All posts by imacorn

Total Truth

Show love to the lord your God by walking in his ways and holding tightly to him.

Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction.

Lord God,
purify my soul, my family, all you have entrusted me with.
May I only follow you and not be deceived by this world.

In Jesus name,

The experiment is over.

Remember how the lord your God led you through the wilderness for these forty years, humbling you and testing you to prove your character, and to find out whether or not you would obey his commands. 3Yes, he humbled you by letting you go hungry and then feeding you with manna, a food previously unknown to you and your ancestors.

He did all this so you would never say to yourself, ‘I have achieved this wealth with my own strength and energy.’ 18Remember the lord your God. He is the one who gives you power to be successful,

No, it is because of the wickedness of the other nations that he is pushing them out of your way. 5It is not because you are so good or have such integrity that you are about to occupy their land.

You must recognize that the lord your God is not giving you this good land because you are good, for you are not—you are a stubborn people.

Yes, you have been rebelling against the lord as long as I have known you.

Lord God, I confess, I am stubborn and rebellious, I have resisted you for most of my life. I have failed at me. Lord God, I am sorry for my past and with great excitement look forward to the future in doing life your way. Forgive my past ways and replace my will with yours. May this place only be seen thru your eyes thru me. I am yours.

In Jesus name,

Only One God in my life

You must not have any other god but me.

Oh, that they would always have hearts like this, that they might fear me and obey all my commands! If they did, they and their descendants would prosper forever.

Lord God,
May I follow your will only and not allow any other idols into my thoughts. May My desire be only of you.

In Jesus name,

Blindly follow

Do not add to or subtract from these commands I am giving you. Just obey the commands of the lord your God that I am giving you.

But from there you will search again for the lord your God. And if you search for him with all your heart and soul, you will find him.

Lord God,
May I follow your commands without hesitation or doubt, May I search for your will in all I do.

In Jesus name,

To loosen the strongholds within

But if you fail to drive out the people who live in the land, those who remain will be like splinters in your eyes and thorns in your sides. They will harass you in the land where you live. 56And I will do to you what I had planned to do to them.”

Lord God,
You have given me this temple to care for and I need your help. Lord God, Give me power to destroy the sinful nature within and destroy the strongholds that live within. Help me to be ruthless in the destruction of the idols and habits that separate me from your glory and block your ability to work thru me. Allow me to be your servant and to serve you completely.

In Jesus name,

Sacred Promise to surrender.

A man who makes a vow to the lord or makes a pledge under oath must never break it. He must do exactly what he said he would do.

Lord God,
Protect my thoughts and put a spirit of discernment on me to accept your desires as my own and courage to act on your desires in this world. Protect my promises to you, make them Holy and may I serve you wholeheartedly with out compromise.

In Jesus name,

I want to rely on the Shepherd

so the community of the lord will not be like sheep without a shepherd.”

Lord God,
I am a sheep, lost in this life with no path or power. Lord God, remove my stubborn heart that will not release my desire to control and the fear within. Allow me to blindly follow you, to hear your voice and recognize your face. To follow you without doubt.

In Jesus name,

I surrender, I can’t do it alone

But Balaam replied, “I will speak only the message that the lord puts in my mouth.”

For the lord their God is with them;
he has been proclaimed their king.

“This is the message of Balaam son of Beor,
the message of the man whose eyes see clearly,

God brought them out of Egypt;
for them he is as strong as a wild ox.
He devours all the nations that oppose him,

Lord God,
I need to only speak the words you place on my heart and live by your guidance. Lord God, deliver me from the bondage I am feeling in this world and place a path before me that releases your glory in my life.

In Jesus name,

Pure in thought

Meanwhile, Korah had stirred up the entire community against Moses and Aaron,

Lord God,
May my heart only hear from you, Lord protect me from the distractions of this world and my own heart that separates me from your presence. Make me pute in thought and action so I may delight you this day.

In Jesus name, Amen