His choice

Then Jehoshaphat added, “But first let’s find out what the Lord says.”

An Aramean soldier, however, randomly shot an arrow at the Israelite troops and hit the king of Israel between the joints of his armor.

“Is there not also a prophet of the Lord here? We should ask him the same question.”

But Micaiah replied, “As surely as the Lord lives, I will say only what my God says.”

Lord God my Father,

Give me focus to seek your desire for all my decisions and courage to follow you.

In Jesus name I pray,


Glory is His

“Do you see how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Because he has done this, I will not do what I promised during his lifetime.

Lord God my Father,

Keep me close and humble, protect me from taking any of the Glory you deserve. Only you are worthy.

In Jesus name I pray,


His way

So she did as Elijah said, and she and Elijah and her family continued to eat for many days. 16There was always enough flour and olive oil left in the containers, just as the Lord had promised through Elijah.

Then the Lord gave special strength to Elijah. He tucked his cloak into his belt18:46 Hebrew He bound up his loins. and ran ahead of Ahab’s chariot all the way to the entrance of Jezreel.

“I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life, for I am no better than my ancestors who have already died.”

Lord God my Father,

Help me to be obedient to your quiet voice and trust in your plan. Give me strength to endure the attacks of the world and strength to continue moving forward in your desire.

In Jesus name I pray,


Close and protected

 He did more to provoke the anger of the Lord, the God of Israel, than any of the other kings of Israel before him.

The Lord was with Jehoshaphat because he followed the example of his father’s early years

Lord God my Father,

Keep my close and my heart focused on you. Protect me from any thoughts you don’t delight in. Be with me and bless my efforts to be in your desire.

In Jesus name I pray,



So Judah defeated Israel on that occasion because they trusted in the Lord,

“O Lord, no one but you can help the powerless against the mighty! Help us, O Lord our God, for we trust in you alone. It is in your name that we have come against this vast horde. O Lord, you are our God; do not let mere men prevail against you!”

The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. 

Lord God my Father,

May my trust and love of you grow stronger with every breath. I trust you to overthrow the evil that is in my path. May I be pleasing to you in all that I am.

In Jesus name I pray,



Because Rehoboam humbled himself, the Lord’s anger was turned away, and he did not destroy him completely. There were still some good things in the land of Judah.

Lord God my Father,

Keep my heart soft for you and hard against deceit. Draw me close as I make decisions.

In Jesus name I pray,



All Israel will mourn for him and bury him. He is the only member of your family who will have a proper burial, for this child is the only good thing that the Lord, the God of Israel, sees in the entire family of Jeroboam.

did what was evil in the Lord’s sight, provoking his anger with their sin, for it was even worse than that of their ancestors.

Lord God my Father,

Purge evil from our land, restore us to a people who honor you and do your will. Remove evil wherever it rests and allow your goodness to sweep our hearts back home.

In Jesus name I pray,


Seek wise people

Every word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to him for protection.6Do not add to his words, or he may rebuke you and expose you as a liar.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last;but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.

Lord God my Father,

You are the Truth that brings peace to my soul, allow it to guide me. Protect me from deceit and surround me with others that seek you as well.

In Jesus name I pray,


Close and protected

In this way, Solomon did what was evil in the Lord’s sight; he refused to follow the Lord completely, as his father, David, had done.

The Lord was very angry with Solomon, for his heart had turned away from the Lord, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice. 10He had warned Solomon specifically about worshiping other gods, but Solomon did not listen to the Lord’s command.

If you listen to what I tell you and follow my ways and do whatever I consider to be right, and if you obey my decrees and commands, as my servant David did, then I will always be with you. 

Lord God my Father,

Keep me close so the deceiver can’t influence me, protect me from wandering off your path and open my ears to hear your truth and only follow it.

In Jesus name I pray,


His desire, His glory.

Finishing is better than starting. Patience is better than pride.

God created people to be virtuous, but they have each turned to follow their own downward path.”

In this life, good people are often treated as though they were wicked, and wicked people are often treated as though they were good. This is so meaningless!

Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both.

Lord God my Father,

Grant me the desire to move forward to completion with the projects I have open. Allow your desire to flow thru me to create a pleasing place of rest. Allow your strength to be the power I need to overwhelm my struggles.

In Jesus name I pray,
