All posts by imacorn

His perfect Love and courage.

“But Lord,” Moses protested, “the people cannot come up to Mount Sinai. You already warned us. You told me, ‘Mark off a boundary all around the mountain to set it apart as holy.’”24But the Lord said, “Go down and bring Aaron back up with you. In the meantime, do not let the priests or the people break through to approach the Lord, or he will break out and destroy them.”

“You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. 5You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods. 

But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those20:6 Hebrew for thousands of those. who love me and obey my commands.

“Don’t be afraid,” Moses answered them, “for God has come in this way to test you, and so that your fear of him will keep you from sinning!”

Lord God my Father,

Give me courage in your presence to work out my issues with you so I may get past them and move forward as you desire. Keep me humble lifting only you to worship and not anything else. Your unconditional Love is all I desire to share, and I wish to do it as you wish.

In Jesus name I pray,


Why am I so stubborn?

‘In the evening you will have meat to eat, and in the morning you will have all the bread you want. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.’”

Then Moses told them, “Do not keep any of it until morning.” 20But some of them didn’t listen and kept some of it until morning. But by then it was full of maggots and had a terrible smell. Moses was very angry with them.21After this the people gathered the food morning by morning, each family according to its need.

The Lord asked Moses, “How long will these people refuse to obey my commands and instructions? 29They must realize that the Sabbath is the Lord’s gift to you. 

“This is not good!” Moses’ father-in-law exclaimed. 18“You’re going to wear yourself out—and the people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself.

Lord God my Father,

Again, I plea with you to give me faith without doubt. I trust you and know you are God, yet I still struggle to understand your plan and control what you do. Give me a Peace that saturates me soul so I may be quiet and free of the deceitful screams of this world. May your peace overwhelm my desire to think and lead me to obedience without condition.

In Jesus name I pray,


Trust completely

The Lord went ahead of them. He guided them during the day with a pillar of cloud, and he provided light at night with a pillar of fire. 

 I have planned this in order to display my glory through Pharaoh and his whole army. After this the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord!”

 “Why did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness?

The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”

When the people of Israel saw the mighty power that the Lord had unleashed against the Egyptians, they were filled with awe before him. They put their faith in the Lord and in his servant Moses.

Then the people complained and turned against Moses. “What are we going to drink?

Lord God my Father,

Lead me and I will follow. I desire to be obedient to your plan. Keep my heart joyful and protect it from worry as I trust in your plan. Give me peace as I understand you are in control and protect me from doubt. Help me to trust in what I cannot understand about your plan and timing.

In Jesus name I pray,


To be softened and shaped

I have made him and his officials stubborn10:1 Hebrew have made his heart and his officials’ hearts heavy. so I can display my miraculous signs among them. 2I’ve also done it so you can tell your children and grandchildren about how I made a mockery of the Egyptians and about the signs I displayed among them—and so you will know that I am the Lord.”

“Get out of here!” Pharaoh shouted at Moses. “I’m warning you. Never come back to see me again! The day you see my face, you will die!”29“Very well,” Moses replied. “I will never see your face again.”

On that night I will pass through the land of Egypt and strike down every firstborn son and firstborn male animal in the land of Egypt. I will execute judgment against all the gods of Egypt, for I am the Lord! 

The Lord caused the Egyptians to look favorably on the Israelites, and they gave the Israelites whatever they asked for. So they stripped the Egyptians of their wealth!

Lord God my Father,

I am stubborn and sin minded. Lord God remove my stubborn way and deliver me to the promise you created me to be. Help me identify any strongholds and give them to your care and direct my steps towards the path you desire me to follow. Bless me so I may bless my family and others in your name.

In Jesus name I pray,


His way

But I will make Pharaoh’s heart stubborn so I can multiply my miraculous signs and wonders in the land of Egypt.

So I will bring down my fist on Egypt. Then I will rescue my forces—my people,

So Moses and Aaron did just as the Lord had commanded them. 

So Moses and Aaron did just as the Lord commanded them.

But again the magicians of Egypt used their magic, and they, too, turned water into blood. 

But when Pharaoh saw that relief had come, he became stubborn.8:15 Hebrew made his heart heavy; also in 8:32.

By now I could have lifted my hand and struck you and your people with a plague to wipe you off the face of the earth. 16But I have spared you for a purpose—to show you my power9:16 Greek version reads to display my power in you; compare Rom 9:17. and to spread my fame throughout the earth. 

Lord God my Father,

Quiet my heart to accept your plan your way. I may not understand but I can be obedient and follow you plan and allow your glory to grow when you deliver me from the struggles I am in.

In Jesus name I pray,


His Strength

But Moses protested again, “What if they won’t believe me or listen to me? What if they say, ‘The Lord never appeared to you’?”

But Moses pleaded with the Lord, “O Lord, I’m not very good with words. I never have been, and I’m not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled.”

Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say.

But Moses again pleaded, “Lord, please! Send anyone else.”

Then the Lord became angry with Moses. “All right,” he said. “What about your brother, Aaron the Levite? 

So Moses told the people of Israel what the Lord had said, but they refused to listen anymore. They had become too discouraged by the brutality of their slavery.

But Moses argued with the Lord, saying, “I can’t do it! I’m such a clumsy speaker! Why should Pharaoh listen to me?”

Lord God my Father,

Help me to release my thoughts and trust in your ability thru me. Keep my limits out of my faith so I may do your will your way. Lord I am tired of arguing with you so open my faith to only focus on your limitless ability. Lord God, I am sorry for my weakness, use it to keep my focus on your strength.

In Jesus name I pray,



 “I have been a foreigner in a foreign land.”

God heard their groaning, and he remembered his covenant promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

“Here I am!” Moses replied.

But Moses protested to God, “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?”

God answered, “I will be with you. 

Lord God my Father,

Use me in my current situation to your purpose, deliver me from the bondage of my thoughts in who I am and help me to understand the power you give me is not my own and able to do your will without my limits getting in the way. May I delight in you to the point you have your way. Wahoo!

In Jesus name I pray,



Joseph’s brothers became fearful. “Now Joseph will show his anger and pay us back for all the wrong we did to him,” they said.

But Joseph replied, “Don’t be afraid of me. Am I God, that I can punish you? 20You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.

Lord God my Father

Allow you peace to cover me and remove any fear, restore me to the person you designed me to be. Allow your plan to bring me confidence and direct my actions to express your glory.

In Jesus name I pray,



“Here I am,” Jacob replied.

Meanwhile, the people of Israel settled in the region of Goshen in Egypt. There they acquired property, and they were fruitful, and their population grew rapidly.

Lord God my Father,

Here I am, Use me for you will and glory. I am your servant, make me obedient to you will above my own.

In Jesus name I pray,


Perfect plan

May God Almighty43:14 Hebrew El-Shaddai. give you mercy as you go before the man, so that he will release Simeon and let Benjamin return. But if I must lose my children, so be it.”

But don’t be upset, and don’t be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place. It was God who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives.

So it was God who sent me here, not you! And he is the one who made me an adviser45:8 Hebrew a father. to Pharaoh—the manager of his entire palace and the governor of all Egypt.

Then Jacob exclaimed, “It must be true! My son Joseph is alive! I must go and see him before I die.”

Lord God my Father,

Give me the faith you desire for me so I may truly surrender to your will with my entire being. Your plan which I cannot understand is perfect, help me to not think my way out of it but be obedient beyond my fears so you can express your glory thru me as you wish.

In Jesus name I pray,
