All posts by imacorn

Calling on the Lord

And whenever the Ark set out, Moses would shout, “Arise, O lord, and let your enemies be scattered! Let them flee before you!” 36And when the Ark was set down, he would say, “Return, O lord, to the countless thousands of Israel!”

Calling on the Lord before doing all things, I think I will try to be aware to this and see how it goes.

Lord God,
Thank you for being with me at all times, help me be aware of you and cal on you in all things I do. May it be for your honor.

In Jesus name,

Numbers 7, why to tedious

12 times the same offerings were listed then summed up at the end.

One, why is it so difficult for me to read the whole thing and not jump to the end?
Two, why is it repeated identical each time 12 times?
Three, why am I so impatient?

One, I am lazy and want the message before I can wait for His inspiration.
Two, Each tribe is as important to God as the other and deserve direct instruction so things are clear.
Three, I tend to be in too much of a hurry to listen for God in “all” things.

Just a thought from the moment.

Lord God, Thank you for pointing out areas I struggle to hold on to, help me to surrender “all” things over to you.

In Jesus name,

Tradition to Grace

Reading in Numbers about the Tabernacle, Curtains Arc, Lamp-stands ect. Vast amounts of stuff required to perform sacrifices to the Lord be be forgiven for sin. A huge amount of items and procedures to perform daily to honor the Lord. Verses now where we are the Tabernacle, The holy spirit now lives in each of us who accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior. So why is it so hard to care for the Tabernacle properly now.

Lord God, Please guide me to care for your Tabernacle properly today and every day. Give me your power to overcome areas I am not performing required maintenance, and help me to release your glory in my life.

In Jesus name,

We are owned by the Lord

For the people of Israel belong to me. They are my servants, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt. I am the lord your God.

We are owned by the Lord, we are his servants. We should do a fair days work for him and do it His way.

Lord God, help me to stay in your perspective and do my life the way you command. Protect me from my own selfish ways.
In Jesus name,


The Appointed Festivals

So Moses gave the Israelites these instructions regarding the annual festivals of the lord.

The Lord instructed his people to have festivals for Passover and unleavened bread, first harvest, harvest, trumpets, atonement and shelters.

The Lord really wants us to remember all the things he has done for us I think so we can remember to be grateful in everything we do. I think taking a day for the Lord would be a great thing in today’s times. Guess I should make it happen.

Lord God, Thank you for all you have done since before time and thank you for all to come. May we live in a constant state of gratefulness and shine in your love so others may see you thru our existence.

In Jesus Holy name,

We are special and should live that way.

So set yourselves apart to be holy, for I am the lord your God.

God sets his people apart from those who do not pursue him. I need to grow up and stop being a brat and just do what my Father wants from me. On the occasion I do walk more in his path, life is so much more awesome and fun.

Lord God, Help me to outgrow my selfish ways and surrender Joyfully to your will.

So filled with self and compromise

Fire blazed forth from the lord’s presence and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When the people saw this, they shouted with joy and fell face down on the ground.

they disobeyed the lord by burning before him the wrong kind of fire, different than he had commanded. 2So fire blazed forth from the lord’s presence and burned them up, and they died there before the lord.

Oh how awesome it would have been there to see the Lord’s presence, and terrifying.
Then Aron’s sons didn’t follow the Lords instructions perfectly and died right there in front of everyone.

The Lord is awesome and all powerful, why do we not follow his commands perfectly to see his awesome presence in out lives. I think we get satisfied with the little glimpses of His glory and become spiritually arrogant to a degree and feel all good about ourselves, just a thought.

Oh Lord God, May I allow you to purify my heart so I may have your power and presence in my life to follow you more closely every day.

In Jesus name,

Do we still get signs from God?

Now whenever the cloud lifted from the Tabernacle, the people of Israel would set out on their journey, following it. 37But if the cloud did not rise, they remained where they were until it lifted.

Oh to have such clear signs of what God wants me to do, or do I. I think I allow the world to confuse me to the point of blocking the desire the Lord has for me.

Oh Lord, Please identify the ways I block you from having a close relationship with you.
In Jesus name,