All posts by imacorn

What do I need more than the Lords desire for me?

28Then another message from the lord came to Elijah: 29“Do you see how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Because he has done this, I will not do what I promised during his lifetime. It will happen to his sons; I will destroy his dynasty.”
6So the king of Israel summoned the prophets, about 400 of them, and asked them, “Should I go to war against Ramoth-gilead, or should I hold back?”
They all replied, “Yes, go right ahead! The Lord will give the king victory.”
7But Jehoshaphat asked, “Is there not also a prophet of the lord here? We should ask him the same question.”
Meanwhile, the messenger who went to get Micaiah said to him, “Look, all the prophets are promising victory for the king. Be sure that you agree with them and promise success.”
14But Micaiah replied, “As surely as the lord lives, I will say only what the lord tells me to say.”
An Aramean soldier, however, randomly shot an arrow at the Israelite troops and hit the king of Israel between the joints of his armor.

The deck is stacked against the Lord most of the time yet the Lord wins, so why is it so hard to serve the Lord without question. I know my baldness comes from the Lord yet I am fearful to use it. It makes no sense.

Lord God,
Place in me a desire to not only hear your quiet voice in this loud world but to boldly act on it with out questioning you. Quiet to influence of satan that holds me back.

Can’t hear God for my own loud voice.

Then the lord gave special strength to Elijah. He tucked his cloak into his belt
Elijah was afraid and fled for his life.
Then he went on alone into the wilderness, traveling all day. He sat down under a solitary broom tree and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, lord,”
but the lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the lord was not in the earthquake. 12And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper.

the lord instructed one of the group of prophets to say to another man, “Hit me!” But the man refused to hit the prophet. 36Then the prophet told him, “Because you have not obeyed the voice of the lord, a lion will kill you

Special strength, That is what I want but am I willing to not ponder the things God tells me to do, not to ask, “really” but to say OK. The Lord passes Elijah, he is not in the all powerful wind earthquake, fire but in the gentle whisper.

Lord God, make me a drone for you, just obeying you without question. Help me to quiet the load roar of this world and my learned beliefs completely discarding them so I may hear and follow your quiet voice.

In Jesus name,

my comfort separates me from all God has for me.

“O lord my God, why have you brought tragedy to this widow who has opened her home to me, causing her son to die?”
21And he stretched himself out over the child three times and cried out to the lord, “O lord my God, please let this child’s life return to him.” 22The lord heard Elijah’s prayer, and the life of the child returned, and he revived!
24Then the woman told Elijah, “Now I know for sure that you are a man of God, and that the lord truly speaks through you.”

I know God but then I experience things and I believe in his power.

Lord God,
Help me to stop doubting your ability to fix me and release me from the sin I have grown comfortable with.

In Jesus name,

Hold firm to God’s Truth.

But the old prophet answered, “I am a prophet, too, just as you are. And an angel gave me this command from the lord: ‘Bring him home with you so he can have something to eat and drink.’” But the old man was lying to him. 19So they went back together, and the man of God ate and drank at the prophet’s home.
He cried out to the man of God from Judah, “This is what the lord says: You have defied the word of the lord and have disobeyed the command the lord your God gave you. 22

There is no compromise in God’s command, be careful not to be lead into sin. Listen only to God’s word and be careful not to listen to what sounds good from man. The young profit listened to the old profit, defied God and God had his wrath on him. I have to be so careful to not be lead astray at any cost.

Lord God, Grant me the discernment to not fall for things that sound good but are not from you.

In Jesus name,

Overpowering worship.

There, before the Ark, King Solomon and the entire community of Israel sacrificed so many sheep, goats, and cattle that no one could keep count!
May he give us the desire to do his will in everything

Ridiculous worship, I wish to live a life so dedicated to the Lord, God himself will be pleased. And may it spread to those around me.

Lord God, I thank you for giving me a heart that craves your presence. May that craving only grow and push out my sinful nature and replace it with your desire.
In Jesus name,

Who gets my best, God or me.

7Solomon did not weigh all these things because there were so many; the weight of the bronze could not be measured.

Extravagant. That is the only word I can come up with to describe the temple Solomon built. Why not, it is to worship the Lord. Sometimes I struggle with the money spent to make worship special at my church. Do we really need computer controlled lighting and all those big screens. Well it is for the Lord after all.

Lord God,
Help me to see your glory and to desire to dedicate my best to your worship, in my personal temple, in my belongings, in my actions.

In Jesus name,

How to I release my heart.

Give me an understanding heart so that I can govern your people well and know the difference between right and wrong. For who by himself is able to govern this great people of yours?”
I will give you what you asked for! I will give you a wise and understanding heart such as no one else has had or ever will have! 13And I will also give you what you did not ask for—riches and fame!
And kings from every nation sent their ambassadors to listen to the wisdom of Solomon.

Oh to have the heart of Solomon,

Lord God, Give me a heart that seeks after you to the point I am totally void of my desire and replace it with your desire. Lord it is with in you true life begins.

In Jesus name,

Constant attitude of ???

And may the lord be with Solomon as he has been with you, my lord the king, and may he make Solomon’s reign even greater than yours!”
Take courage and be a man.
Didn’t I make you swear by the lord and warn you not to go anywhere else or you would surely die? And you replied, ‘The sentence is fair; I will do as you say.’ 43Then why haven’t you kept your oath to the lord and obeyed my command?”

Blessings were a regular part of communication, respect and blessing was expressed before any request. Out of fear and or respect, it was an attitude carried. I want to make pleasing the Lord and others a part of my attitude.

Lord God,
Please help me to develop an attitude of reverence in my life that is constant with you and others. May I be pleasing to you at all times.
In Jesus name,

I have to fully own my sin.

When David saw the angel, he said to the lord, “I am the one who has sinned and done wrong! But these people are as innocent as sheep—what have they done? Let your anger fall against me and my family.”
“No, I insist on buying it, for I will not present burnt offerings to the lord my God that have cost me nothing.”

David owned up to his sin and the Lord showed mercy to him. David saw the angle of death and pleaded with the Lord to stop killing the people for he had committed the sin and offered his life as well as his family.

Lord God,
help me to fully accept my weakness and offer my life as a sacrifice to pay for it. Help me to fully surrender and let go of it all for you to destroy. I can’t do it myself.

In Jesus name,

What does my heart desire?

You have made it clear today that your commanders and troops mean nothing to you. It seems that if Absalom had lived and all of us had died, you would be pleased
May the king put it out of his mind. 20I know how much I sinned.

How often do I focus on the wrong issue and put my full attention there, blocking God’s desire from my heart.

Lord God, purify my heart and protect me from my sinful desires. Help me to put my sinful desires out of my mind and focus my will, all my will on your plan for my life.

In Jesus name,