All posts by imacorn

so simple yet so hard

The unfailing love of the Most High will keep him from stumbling.
8You will capture all your enemies.

Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the lord

He leads the humble in doing right,
teaching them his way.

For the honor of your name, O lord,
forgive my many, many sins.

21May integrity and honesty protect me,
for I put my hope in you.

Lord God, you show us such a glory filled path is before us, expose the areas of my life I have yet to surrender to. In your son’s most holy name,

God is right after all!

The commandments of the lord are right,
bringing joy to the heart.
The commands of the lord are clear,
giving insight for living.
9Reverence for the lord is pure,
lasting forever.

Some nations boast of their chariots and horses,
but we boast in the name of the lord our God.
8Those nations will fall down and collapse,
but we will rise up and stand firm.
9Give victory to our king, O lord!
Answer our cry for help.

Lord God, may I surrender to your will and be free of my past. May I live with your desire on my heart now and forever.
In Jesus name,

To rest in the presence of the Lord.

Therefore, lord, we know you will protect the oppressed,
preserving them forever from this lying generation,
8even though the wicked strut about,
and evil is praised throughout the land.

6The wicked frustrate the plans of the oppressed,
but the lord will protect his people.

You will show me the way of life,
granting me the joy of your presence
and the pleasures of living with you forever.

He formed my spirit

“This message is from the lord, who stretched out the heavens, laid the foundations of the earth, and formed the human spirit.

Ever since the days of your ancestors, you have scorned my decrees and failed to obey them. Now return to me, and I will return to you,” says the lord of Heaven’s Armies.

“You have said, ‘What’s the use of serving God? What have we gained by obeying his commands or by trying to show the lord of Heaven’s Armies that we are sorry for our sins? 15From now on we will call the arrogant blessed. For those who do evil get rich, and those who dare God to punish them suffer no harm.’”

Lord God,
You formed my spirit, placed me where you want me. I rebelled so hard for so long, now I wish to live completely under your authority, not making decisions on my own but under your council. Allow me to see you in all things before me today, May I delight in searching for your desire for me today. The fact that you forgive and forget my past is ridiculous. Thank you Lord for never giving up on me, Use me for your will today.
In Jesus name,


Then he will receive royal honor and will rule as king from his throne. He will also serve as priest from his throne, and there will be perfect harmony between his two roles.’

“Since they refused to listen when I called to them, I would not listen when they called to me, says the lord of Heaven’s Armies.

Lord God bring harmony to my life and to this nation, I desperately wish to live only pleasing you.

In Jesus name,

Oh to be Pure in spirit.

“Look at the proud!
They trust in themselves, and their lives are crooked.
But the righteous will live by their faithfulness to God.
5Wealth is treacherous,
and the arrogant are never at rest.

For as the waters fill the sea,
the earth will be filled with an awareness
of the glory of the lord.

12“I will search with lanterns in Jerusalem’s darkest corners
to punish those who sit complacent in their sins.

So the lord sparked the enthusiasm of Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the enthusiasm of Jeshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the enthusiasm of the whole remnant of God’s people.

Lord God, make me aware of my arrogance, areas I am to proud to surrender to you or even admit are in me. Lord God Almighty, may your fire of purification burn in me and may the slag of sin be removed from my spirit. Make me pure with your desire on my heart and may I delight in serving you.

In Jesus name,

Such a broken heart

11Suppose a prophet full of lies would say to you,
“I’ll preach to you the joys of wine and alcohol!”
That’s just the kind of prophet you would like!

1I said, “Listen, you leaders of Israel!
You are supposed to know right from wrong,
2but you are the very ones
who hate good and love evil.

9Listen to me, you leaders of Israel!
You hate justice and twist all that is right.
10You are building Jerusalem
on a foundation of murder and corruption.
11You rulers make decisions based on bribes;

“O my people, what have I done to you?
What have I done to make you tired of me?

Lord God, change my heart to desire your desire, make it easy for me to hear truth, truth in my life where I fail to surrender to you. Lord God put discernment on my heart to make sense of the nonsense around me and lead me to your glory. Oh to hear you cry out to us over your broken heart for us is remarkable, your love is beyond understanding, increase my capacity to understand you just a little more each day. May it all be for your glory,

In Jesus name,

Wholehearted desire,,, again

“All your allies will turn against you.
They will help to chase you from your land.
They will promise you peace
while plotting to deceive and destroy you.
Your trusted friends will set traps for you,
and you won’t even know about it.

“Throw me into the sea,” Jonah said, “and it will become calm again. I know that this terrible storm is all my fault.”

Then they cried out to the lord, Jonah’s God. “O lord,” they pleaded,

As my life was slipping away,
I remembered the lord.
And my earnest prayer went out to you
in your holy Temple.

everyone must pray earnestly to God. They must turn from their evil ways and stop all their violence. 9Who can tell? Perhaps even yet God will change his mind and hold back his fierce anger from destroying us.”

The lord replied, “Is it right for you to be angry about this?”

God is good always, why do we pray earnestly when in trouble and not so much in gratitude.

Lord God,
remove my selfish way and release in me earnest desire to always seek you in all I am.

Where do we draw our life from?

This is the king’s sanctuary and the national place of worship!”

For I will give the command
and will shake Israel along with the other nations
as grain is shaken in a sieve,
yet not one true kernel will be lost.
10But all the sinners will die by the sword—
all those who say, ‘Nothing bad will happen to us.’

We are so arrogant to think we are the power of this life.

Lord God,
May I be a true kernel in this land of deceit, true to you and your word. May I do your works, not works of my desires but of yours. Lord God, raise up the Good in this nation and restore us under your authority once again to be blessed by you.
In Jesus name,