All posts by imacorn

The only way, His

“But they rebelled against me and would not listen. They did not get rid of the vile images they were obsessed with, or forsake the idols of Egypt.

There I gave them my decrees and regulations so they could find life by keeping them. 12And I gave them my Sabbath days of rest as a sign between them and me. It was to remind them that I am the Lord, who had set them apart to be holy.

“But their children, too, rebelled against me. They refused to keep my decrees and follow my regulations, even though obedience would have given them life. And they also violated my Sabbath days.

Lord God my Father,
Remove my hard hart and make it hard against fighting you. Give me a heart that wants to do life your way, help me to lead others to you by example.

In Jesus name I pray,

One true Lord in my life

“But you thought your fame and beauty were your own. So you gave yourself as a prostitute to every man who came along. Your beauty was theirs for the asking.

You set before them as a sacrifice the choice flour, olive oil, and honey I had given you, says the Sovereign Lord.

And I will reaffirm my covenant with you, and you will know that I am the Lord. 63You will remember your sins and cover your mouth in silent shame when I forgive you of all that you have done. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken!”

It is I who makes the green tree wither and gives the dead tree new life. I, the Lord, have spoken, and I will do what I said!”

Lord God my Father,
Protect me from myself and keep me from idol worship. I place my faith in you but I struggle with following without distraction. Make me into your servant and protect me from falling. Forgive me for my arrogance and self worship. Give me Life like I can’t imagine, blessed by you.

In Jesus name,

Return to the Truth

“Son of man, you live among rebels who have eyes but refuse to see. They have ears but refuse to hear. For they are a rebellious people.

Lord God my Father,
I was once one of the rebels, now I choose your way. Give me truth in my thoughts to follow only you and turn from my old ways.

In Jesus name I pray,

Turn from my nature to His

And whether they listen or refuse to listen—for remember, they are rebels—at least they will know they have had a prophet among them.

But look, I have made you as obstinate and hard-hearted as they are.

Those who choose to listen will listen, but those who refuse will refuse, for they are rebels.

Lord God my Father,
Remove my rebellious nature I only want to hear the truth. Harden my heart against my rebel nature and direct it to you, may I listen and follow you this day.

In Jesus name I pray,

Released from self

He is still their God,
even though their land was filled with sin
against the Holy One of Israel.”

“I will be your lawyer to plead your case,

Violence will erupt in the land
as the leaders fight against each other.

Lord God my Father,
You are my God, my Lord, my peace. Even thou I struggle with my thoughts and actions you give me hope to overcome my sinful ways. Deliver me from my struggles and sinful ways, deliver me into your peaceful presence so I may delight in overcoming the idols in my life.

In Jesus name I pray,

Remove all that blocks His glory

Because you have trusted in your wealth and skill,
you will be taken captive.

Lord God my Father,
Strip my security from me, all things I worship above you. Remove my confusion and help me to trust only in you. Release the grip of “stuff” on me and help me to purify the responsibility you have given me so I may release your glory covered up by my sin.

In Jesus name I pray,

Stubborn in the Lord’s way.

May the Lord your God be a faithful witness against us if we refuse to obey whatever he tells us to do! 6Whether we like it or not, we will obey the Lord our God to whom we are sending you with our plea. For if we obey him, everything will turn out well for us.”

For you were not being honest when you sent me to pray to the Lord your God for you. You said, ‘Just tell us what the Lord our God says, and we will do it!’ 21And today I have told you exactly what he said, but you will not obey the Lord your God any better now than you have in the past. 22So you can be sure that you will die from war, famine, and disease in Egypt, where you insist on going.”

Lord God my Father,
I can’t do this on my own, I can only live for you with you in control of my life. I pray my sinful nature, a nature to resist doing your will, to be removed and a spirit of action will settle on me. May I be honest with my thoughts and actions and resist my tendency to be stubborn in my way and surrender to your way.

In Jesus name I pray,