All posts by imacorn

Surrendered well

 “Come on,” they said, “make us some gods who can lead us. We don’t know what happened to this fellow Moses, who brought us here from the land of Egypt.”

So the Lord changed his mind about the terrible disaster he had threatened to bring on his people.

“Don’t get so upset, my lord,” Aaron replied. “You yourself know how evil these people are. 23They said to me, ‘Make us gods who will lead us. We don’t know what happened to this fellow Moses, who brought us here from the land of Egypt.

So Moses returned to the Lord and said, “Oh, what a terrible sin these people have committed. They have made gods of gold for themselves. 32But now, if you will only forgive their sin—but if not, erase my name from the record you have written!”

Inside the Tent of Meeting, the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. 

The Lord replied, “I will make all my goodness pass before you, and I will call out my name, Yahweh,33:19 Yahweh is a transliteration of the proper name YHWH that is sometimes rendered “Jehovah”; in this translation it is usually rendered “the Lord” (note the use of small capitals). before you. For I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose. 

“You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but on the seventh day you must stop working, even during the seasons of plowing and harvest.

Lord God my Father,

Keep me under your authority, protect me from wondering from you, guide me in your Truth and protect me from Satan’s lies.

In Jesus name I pray,


At Peace in the confusion

What blessings await you when people hate you and exclude you and mock you and curse you as evil because you follow the Son of Man. 23When that happens, be happy! Yes, leap for joy! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, their ancestors treated the ancient prophets that same way.

Aron will wear this robe whenever he ministers before the Lord, and the bells will tinkle as he goes in and out of the Lord’s presence in the Holy Place. If he wears it, he will not die.

“This is how you will ordain Aaron and his sons to their offices, just as I have commanded you. 

I am the one who brought them out of the land of Egypt so that I could live among them. I am the Lord their God.

“Tell the people of Israel: ‘Be careful to keep my Sabbath day, for the Sabbath is a sign of the covenant between me and you from generation to generation. It is given so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy.

You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but the seventh day must be a Sabbath day of complete rest, a holy day dedicated to the Lord. 

Lord God my Father,

Help me to Love those who hate and show your Peace in a delightful way. Help me to follow your plan with discipline and Joy. Place a heart in me to follow your commands freely.

In Jesus name I pray,


My focus

“You must not dishonor God or curse any of your rulers.

“Pay close attention to all my instructions. You must not call on the name of any other gods. Do not even speak their names.

Lord God my Father,
I need your help to keep my focus on you, the world is so noisy, Help me to stay under your authority only in all my relationships and with myself.
In Jesus name I pray,

Conditions makes live hard

 I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods. 

“Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. “Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God is giving you.13“You must not murder.14“You must not commit adultery.15“You must not steal.16“You must not testify falsely against your neighbor.17“You must not covet your neighbor’s house. You must not covet your neighbor’s wife, male or female servant, ox or donkey, or anything else that belongs to your neighbor.”

Lord God my Father,

As I place you first in my life, your laws become my desire without compromise. Thank you for your unconditional Love for me.

In Jesus name I pray,


All attention up

“If only the Lord had killed us back in Egypt,” they moaned. “There we sat around pots filled with meat and ate all the bread we wanted. But now you have brought us into this wilderness to starve us all to death.”

“Do not keep any of it until morning.” 20But some of them didn’t listen and kept some of it until morning. But by then it was full of maggots and had a terrible smell. Moses was very angry with them.

Some of the people went out anyway on the seventh day, but they found no food. 28The Lord asked Moses, “How long will these people refuse to obey my commands and instructions?

Why are you trying to do all this alone while everyone stands around you from morning till evening?”

Lord God my Father,

Keep my heart focused on you and away from my struggles, keep me in a state of worship not complaining. Keep me from testing you.

In Jesus name I pray,


His way, Awesome!

 ‘With the power of his mighty hand, the Lord brought us out of Egypt, the place of our slavery

And once again I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will chase after you.14:4 Hebrew after them. I have planned this in order to display my glory through Pharaoh and his whole army. After this the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord!”

“Why did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness? Weren’t there enough graves for us in Egypt? What have you done to us? Why did you make us leave Egypt? 12Didn’t we tell you this would happen while we were still in Egypt? We said, ‘Leave us alone! Let us be slaves to the Egyptians. It’s better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness!’”

The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”

When the people of Israel saw the mighty power that the Lord had unleashed against the Egyptians, they were filled with awe before him. They put their faith in the Lord and in his servant Moses.

Lord God my Father,

Help me to rest in your power and give you complete control over my life, cause me to hold back my desire and give you free will over me, trusting in your plan.

Heart condition.

 “Return to Pharaoh and make your demands again. I have made him and his officials stubborn10:1 Hebrew have made his heart and his officials’ hearts heavy. so I can display my miraculous signs among them. 2I’ve also done it so you can tell your children and grandchildren about how I made a mockery of the Egyptians and about the signs I displayed among them—and so you will know that I am the Lord.”

Not a single locust remained in all the land of Egypt. 20But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart again, so he refused to let the people go.

(Now the Lord had caused the Egyptians to look favorably on the people of Israel. And Moses was considered a very great man in the land of Egypt, respected by Pharaoh’s officials and the Egyptian people alike.)

The people of Israel had lived in Egypt for 430 years. In fact, it was on the last day of the 430th year that all the Lord’s forces left the land. On this night the Lord kept his promise to bring his people out of the land of Egypt.

Lord God my Father,

Soften my heart so I may always be under your authority, trusting in your plan, expecting your Glory to be revealed. Use me to help hard hearted people to turn towards you.

In Jesus name I pray,


One heart, His

But again the magicians of Egypt used their magic, and they, too, turned water into blood. So Pharaoh’s heart remained hard. He refused to listen to Moses and Aaron,

But the magicians were able to do the same thing with their magic. They, too, caused frogs to come up on the land of Egypt.8Then Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and begged, “Plead with the Lord to take the frogs away from me and my people. I will let your people go, so they can offer sacrifices to the Lord.”

 But I am warning you, Pharaoh, don’t lie to us again and refuse to let the people go to sacrifice to the Lord.”

But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and just as the Lord had predicted to Moses, Pharaoh refused to listen.

By now I could have lifted my hand and struck you and your people with a plague to wipe you off the face of the earth. 16But I have spared you for a purpose—to show you my power

Then Pharaoh quickly summoned Moses and Aaron. “This time I have sinned,” he confessed. “The Lord is the righteous one, and my people and I are wrong. 28Please beg the Lord to end this terrifying thunder and hail. We’ve had enough. I will let you go; you don’t need to stay any longer.”

Lord God my Father,

Keep my heart soft for you, give me discernment about your Truth and allow my heart to belong to you only.

In Jesus name I pray,


Open heart

But I will harden his heart so he will refuse to let the people go. 22Then you will tell him, ‘This is what the Lord says: Israel is my firstborn son. 23I commanded you, “Let my son go, so he can worship me.” But since you have refused, I will now kill your firstborn son!’”

When they heard that the Lord was concerned about them and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshiped.

But Pharaoh shouted, “You’re just lazy! Lazy! That’s why you’re saying, ‘Let us go and offer sacrifices to the Lord.’ 18Now get back to work! No straw will be given to you, but you must still produce the full quota of bricks.”

The foremen said to them, “May the Lord judge and punish you for making us stink before Pharaoh and his officials. You have put a sword into their hands, an excuse to kill us!”

Then the Lord told Moses, “Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh. When he feels the force of my strong hand, he will let the people go. In fact, he will force them to leave his land!”

Lord God my Father,

Keep my heart from being hard, keep me open to your desire and obedient to your will. Give me courage to stand firm for you and not back down no matter what attack I am under. Give me faith to wait for your Glory to be released.

In Jesus name I pray,


His desire, His strength

But because the midwives feared God, they refused to obey the king’s orders. They allowed the boys to live, too.

So God was good to the midwives, and the Israelites continued to multiply, growing more and more powerful. 21And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own.

But the Israelites continued to groan under their burden of slavery. They cried out for help, and their cry rose up to God. 24God heard their groaning, and he remembered his covenant promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 25He looked down on the people of Israel and knew it was time to act.

“But I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless a mighty hand forces him. I will raise my hand and strike the Egyptians, performing all kinds of miracles among them. Then at last he will let you go.

But Moses pleaded with the Lord, “O Lord, I’m not very good with words. I never have been, and I’m not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled.

But Moses again pleaded, “Lord, please! Send anyone else.”14Then the Lord became angry with Moses. “All right,” he said. “What about your brother, Aaron the Levite?

Lord God my Father,

Allow my fear of you to give me your desire to move as you ask. Bless my actions as I do your will and keep me under your authority, give me courage to do what I am not comfortable with if you ask me to and gather other Godly men around me for your desire to be met.

In Jesus name I pray,
