Why is it so hard to put the Lord first?

But when Rehoboam was firmly established and strong, he abandoned the Law of the lord, and all Israel followed him in this sin.

Then the leaders of Israel and the king humbled themselves and said, “The lord is right in doing this to us!”
7When the lord saw their change of heart, he gave this message to Shemaiah: “Since the people have humbled themselves, I will not completely destroy them and will soon give them some relief.

4But he was an evil king, for he did not seek the lord with all his heart.

You may have a vast army, and you have those gold calves that Jeroboam made as your gods. 9But you have chased away the priests of the lord (the descendants of Aaron) and the Levites, and you have appointed your own priests, just like the pagan nations.

Then Asa cried out to the lord his God, “O lord, no one but you can help the powerless against the mighty! Help us, O lord our God, for we trust in you alone.

Lord God, I have sinned against you, I have allowed other things to be above you in my heart. I cry out to you and beg forgiveness from you and place you first over all things in my life. Please hear me cry out to you and answer my prayers and protect me from my enemy.
In Jesus name,

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