His plan, His Truth

“The righteous will be happy to see the wicked destroyed,and the innocent will laugh in contempt.20They will say, ‘See how our enemies have been destroyed.The last of them have been consumed in the fire.’

“Submit to God, and you will have peace;then things will go well for you.22Listen to his instructions,and store them in your heart.23If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored—so clean up your life.

And when he tests me, I will come out as pure as gold.11For I have stayed on God’s paths;I have followed his ways and not turned aside.12I have not departed from his commands,but have treasured his words more than daily food.

Lord God my Father,

Cleanse my heart and make me righteous, protect me from evil temptation. Give me courage in your Truth and cause me to turn towards you in all things.

In Jesus name I pray,


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