In his unity and peace

“Look at my Servant, whom I have chosen.
He is my Beloved, who pleases me.
I will put my Spirit upon him,
and he will proclaim justice to the nations.
19He will not fight or shout
or raise his voice in public.
20He will not crush the weakest reed
or put out a flickering candle.
Finally he will cause justice to be victorious.
21And his name will be the hope
of all the world.”

He looked around at them angrily and was deeply saddened by their hard hearts.

“A kingdom divided by civil war will collapse.

But anyone who hears and doesn’t obey is like a person who builds a house right on the ground, without a foundation.

Lord God,
Remove my hardened heart and place me in your peace and control. Unite my spirit with my body and may I obey you in all things.

In Jesus name,

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