delightful courage

If at that time you and your children return to the lord your God, and if you obey with all your heart and all your soul all the commands I have given you today, 3then the lord your God will restore your fortunes.

Then my anger will blaze forth against them. I will abandon them, hiding my face from them, and they will be devoured. Terrible trouble will come down on them, and on that day they will say, ‘These disasters have come down on us because God is no longer among us!’

“Be strong and courageous,

Lord God,
I want to be obedient to you, now help me with my disobedience, Grant me the strength and courage to overcome my weakness and replace it with your will. Lord God I am tired of disappointment I cause you and myself. May I allow your blessing to flow thru me this day.

in Jesus name,

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