
Asa did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, as his father David had done. 12He expelled the male shrine prostitutes from the land and got rid of all the idols his ancestors had made. 

God is with us; he is our leader. His priests with their trumpets will sound the battle cry against you.

 “Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, Lord our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this vast army. Lord, you are our God; do not let mere mortals prevail against you.”

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.

Though his disease was severe, even in his illness he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from the physicians. 

Lord God my Father,

Keep me close and protect my heart from leaving your desire. You are my perfect leader, help me to follow every command you ask of me. You help the weak, Lord God I am weak in all things, hold me up and strengthen my resolve to live your will. Help me to know your balance and desire for my thoughts.

In Jesus name I pray,


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