Firmly held

He will lay both of his hands on the goat’s head and confess over it all the wickedness, rebellion, and sins of the people of Israel. In this way, he will transfer the people’s sins to the head of the goat. Then a man specially chosen for the task will drive the goat into the wilderness. 22As the goat goes into the wilderness, it will carry all the people’s sins upon itself into a desolate land.

If you obey my decrees and my regulations, you will find life through them. I am the Lord.

Because the entire land has become defiled, I am punishing the people who live there. I will cause the land to vomit them out. 26You must obey all my decrees and regulations. You must not commit any of these detestable sins. This applies both to native-born Israelites and to the foreigners living among you.

Lord God my Father,

My sin’s make me detestable to you, forgive me for my weakness to temptation and make me new under your authority. I want to only worship you on your terms and not try to get you to fit into my desires. Change me, restore me to your design and being life as you desire into my heart. May I represent you well today.

In Jesus name I pray,


1 thought on “Firmly held

  1. I like how the scapegoat falls in line with what we are to do with our sins today. Confess then cast out/separate ourselves from the uncleanliness so we are worthy to come before God. Though we are never truly worthy, Jesus gives us opportunity to abide in His grace…we only need to accept it. Thanks for sharing.

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