Restored, at Peace.

 “Take from my hand this cup filled to the brim with my anger, and make all the nations to whom I send you drink from it. 16When they drink from it, they will stagger, crazed by the warfare I will send against them.”

“I will completely destroy the nations to which I have exiled you, but I will not completely destroy you. I will discipline you, but with justice; I cannot let you go unpunished.”

Lord God my Father,

I am a sinner and unworthy on my own. Your grace washes me clean an you say I am worthy. Help me to do your will today and bring your truth into my life and share your truth with others. Help us to become worthy as a people to allow your blessings to rest on us as you desire but punish us so we may grow closer to you.

In Jesus name I pray,


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