
David remarked longingly to his men, “Oh, how I would love some of that good water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem.” 18So the Three broke through the Philistine lines, drew some water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem, and brought it back to David. But David refused to drink it. Instead, he poured it out as an offering to the Lord. 19“God forbid that I should drink this!” he exclaimed. “This water is as precious as the blood of these men11:19 Hebrew Shall I drink the lifeblood of these men? who risked their lives to bring it to me.” So David did not drink it. These are examples of the exploits of the Three.

Lord God my Father,

Give me a heart that longs for your plan in my life. Help me to ask for more and not put limits on the blessings you desire for me. Give me obedience and courage to follow your desire in my life. Cause me to thrive, not just exist.

In Jesus name I pray,


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