Strengthened and protected

You’ve brought disaster on me! For I have made a vow to the Lord, and I cannot take it back.”

36And she said, “Father, if you have made a vow to the Lord, you must do to me what you have vowed, for the Lord has given you a great victory over your enemies, the Ammonites. 

Again the Israelites did evil in the Lord’s sight, so the Lord handed them over to the Philistines, who oppressed them for forty years.

 At last, on the seventh day he told her the answer because she was tormenting him with her nagging.

Lord God my father,

Keep my heart in good standing so I don’t bring disaster to myself. Help me to trust in your plan even when it is beyond my understanding. Keep me from doing evil in your sight and give me strength against the attack of darkness.

In Jesus name I pray,


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