His freedom, without boundaries.

In the spring of the year,11:1 Hebrew At the turn of the year. The first day of the year in the ancient Hebrew lunar calendar occurred in March or April. when kings normally go out to war,

 “The Ark and the armies of Israel and Judah are living in tents,11:11 Or at Succoth. and Joab and my master’s men are camping in the open fields. How could I go home to wine and dine and sleep with my wife? I swear that I would never do such a thing.”

Then David invited him to dinner and got him drunk. But even then he couldn’t get Uriah to go home to his wife. Again he slept at the palace entrance with the king’s palace guard.

 But the Lord was displeased with what David had done.

Have mercy on me, O God,

because of your unfailing love.

Because of your great compassion,

blot out the stain of my sins.

2Wash me clean from my guilt.

Purify me from my sin.

3For I recognize my rebellion;

it haunts me day and night.

His advisers were amazed. “We don’t understand you,” they told him. “While the child was still living, you wept and refused to eat. But now that the child is dead, you have stopped your mourning and are eating again.”

22David replied, “I fasted and wept while the child was alive, for I said, ‘Perhaps the Lord will be gracious to me and let the child live.’ 23But why should I fast when he is dead? Can I bring him back again? I will go to him one day, but he cannot return to me.”

Lord God my Father,

Keep me from following my own plan and submitting to yours completely. Keep me from my sinful desires and straying off the path you desire. Give me strength to overcome the strongholds I allow in my life and cut me loose from the boundaries I place on your blessings for me. Set me free in your plan and desire.

In Jesus name I pray,


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