Ask first

Because you Levites did not carry the Ark the first time, the anger of the Lord our God burst out against us. We failed to ask God how to move it properly.” 

After the men who were carrying the Ark of the Lord had gone six steps, David sacrificed a bull and a fattened calf. 14And David danced before the Lord with all his might, wearing a priestly garment.

 David turned and went home to bless his own family.

Yes, and I am willing to look even more foolish than this, even to be humiliated in my own eyes! But those servant girls you mentioned will indeed think I am distinguished!”

Lord God my Father,

Help me to remember to ask you before doing anything. Help me to allow you full access to my thoughts and actions. Help me to give you glory in all things and give me boldness to be a fool for you with my praise.

In Jesus name I pray,


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