
 You have not even lived up to the standards of the nations around you. 8Therefore, I myself, the Sovereign Lord, am now your enemy. I will punish you publicly while all the nations watch. 9Because of your detestable idols, I will punish you like I have never punished anyone before or ever will again.

Then when they are exiled among the nations, they will remember me. They will recognize how hurt I am by their unfaithful hearts and lustful eyes that long for their idols. Then at last they will hate themselves for all their detestable sins.

Soon I will pour out my fury on you and unleash my anger against you. I will call you to account for all your detestable sins.

“Have you seen this, son of man?” he asked. “Is it nothing to the people of Judah that they commit these detestable sins, leading the whole nation into violence, thumbing their noses at me, and provoking my anger? 18Therefore, I will respond in fury. I will neither pity nor spare them. And though they cry for mercy, I will not listen.”

Lord God my Father,

Forgive my sin and give me your power to overcome it. Protect me in my thoughts and actions and turn me back to your Truth, help me to draw others to you.

In Jesus name I pray,


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