His will without compromise.

Then King Balak demanded of Balaam, “What have you done to me? I brought you to curse my enemies. Instead, you have blessed them!”12But Balaam replied, “I will speak only the message that the Lord puts in my mouth.”

So Balaam returned and found the king standing beside his burnt offerings with all the officials of Moab.

God is not a man, so he does not lie.He is not human, so he does not change his mind.

Then Balak said to Balaam, “Fine, but if you won’t curse them, at least don’t bless them!”26But Balaam replied to Balak, “Didn’t I tell you that I can do only what the Lord tells me?”

“This is the message of Balaam son of Beor,the message of the man whose eyes see clearly,4the message of one who hears the words of God,who sees a vision from the Almighty,who bows down with eyes wide open:

Go back home! I promised to reward you richly, but the Lord has kept you from your reward.”

Then the Lord said to Moses, 11“Phinehas son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron the priest has turned my anger away from the Israelites by being as zealous among them as I was. So I stopped destroying all Israel as I had intended to do in my zealous anger.

Lord God my Father,

Give me strength and discernment in this world to separate your Truth from deceit. Give me courage to do your will against the will of the fallen and make this desire beyond compromise in my life.

In Jesus name I pray,


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