Monthly Archives: July 2021

Made new

Lord, why have you allowed us to turn from your path? Why have you given us stubborn hearts so we no longer fear you?

Oh, that you would burst from the heavens and come down! How the mountains would quake in your presence!264:2 Verses 64:2-12 are numbered 64:1-11 in Hebrew text. As fire causes wood to burn and water to boil, your coming would make the nations tremble. Then your enemies would learn the reason for your fame!

We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall, and our sins sweep us away like the wind.7Yet no one calls on your name or pleads with you for mercy. Therefore, you have turned away from us and turned us over64:7 As in Greek, Syriac, and Aramaic versions; Hebrew reads melted us. to our sins.

Lord God my Father,

Soften my heart, help me to turn away from my desire, place only your desire before me. Purify me from my past, forgive my arrogance and restore my soul.

In Jesus name I pray,


His Peace is complete

“Keep the Sabbath day holy.Don’t pursue your own interests on that day,but enjoy the Sabbathand speak of it with delight as the Lord’s holy day.Honor the Sabbath in everything you do on that day,and don’t follow your own desires or talk idly.14Then the Lord will be your delight.I will give you great honor

It’s your sins that have cut you off from God.Because of your sins, he has turned awayand will not listen anymore.

As with cattle going down into a peaceful valley,the Spirit of the Lord gave them rest.You led your people, Lord,and gained a magnificent reputation.”

Lord God my Father,

Hold me close, direct me to do your will, remove my smarter than you attitude so I may live completely under your authority. I wish to live as designed by you so I may experience and pass your Peace to others.

In Jesus name I pray,


I am His only

Who has believed our message? To whom has the Lord revealed his powerful arm?

I will comfort those who mourn,19bringing words of praise to their lips. May they have abundant peace, both near and far, ”says the Lord, who heals them.20“But those who still reject me are like the restless sea, which is never still but continually churns up mud and dirt.21There is no peace for the wicked, ”says my God.

Lord God my Father,

Keep my thoughts close so I may hear only you in the noise around me, bring your peace on me so I am not distracted by the world.

In Jesus name I pray,


His message

“At just the right time, I will respond to you.49:8 Greek version reads I heard you. Compare 2 Cor 6:2.On the day of salvation I will help you.I will protect you and give you to the peopleas my covenant with them.Through you I will reestablish the land of Israeland assign it to its own people again.9I will say to the prisoners, ‘Come out in freedom,’and to those in darkness, ‘Come into the light.’They will be my sheep, grazing in green pastures

All the world will know that I, the Lord, am your Savior and your Redeemer,

Lord God my father,

I trust your timing and pray for the people. Use me as you wish to expose your Truth to those who will listen.

In Jesus name I pray,


His Peace, my power.

“But there is no peace for the wicked, ”says the Lord.

Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know that I will not be put to shame.8He who gives me justice is near.

My name is blasphemed all day long. But I will reveal my name to my people, and they will come to know its power. Then at last they will recognize that I am the one who speaks to them.”

Lord God my Father,

Allow your peace to rest on me, keep my path directed towards you, Reveal your desire for me.

In Jesus name I pray,


His plan, His peace.

I, the Lord, speak only what is true and declare only what is right.

Remember the things I have done in the past. For I alone am God! I am God, and there is none like me.10 Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass,

“Listen to me, you stubborn people who are so far from doing right.13For I am ready to set things right, not in the distant future, but right now!

I will rescue you for my sake—yes, for my own sake! I will not let my reputation be tarnished, and I will not share my glory with idols!

Lord God my Father,

Help me to completely trust in your plan and carry your peace in my heart. I know who you are and always be, may I honor and trust in your plan.

In Jesus name I pray,


Only He,

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.

You see and recognize what is rightbut refuse to act on it.You hear with your ears,but you don’t really listen.

“Do not be afraid, for I am with you.I will gather you and your children from east and west.

“But forget all that—it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.19For I am about to do something new.See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?

Lord God my Father,

I trust you only, give me direction and courage to do your will. Help me to reach the lost in your name and unite my family under your authority.

In Jesus name I pray,


His heart in me.

Hezekiah, the leader of my people. Tell him, ‘This is what the Lord, the God of your ancestor David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you, and three days from now you will get out of bed and go to the Temple of the Lord. 6I will add fifteen years to your life, and I will rescue you and this city from the king of Assyria. I will defend this city for my own honor and for the sake of my servant David.’”

Now I will walk humbly throughout my years because of this anguish I have felt.16Lord, your discipline is good, for it leads to life and health. You restore my health and allow me to live!17Yes, this anguish was good for me, for you have rescued me from death and forgiven all my sins.

Lord God my Father,

Discipline me and keep me humble, create in me on obedience to bring honor to you in how I care for myself and others. Give me boldness to be your light where ever you send me.

In Jesus name I pray,


One focus, one God.

I know the way you have raged against me.29And because of your raging against meand your arrogance, which I have heard for myself,I will put my hook in your noseand my bit in your mouth.I will make you returnby the same road on which you came.”

Then King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz cried out in prayer to God in heaven. 21And the Lord sent an angel who destroyed the Assyrian army with all its commanders and officers. 

Lord God my Father,

Protect my gaze, keep it on you. Give me comfort in your plan and courage to follow only you. Destroy those who stand against you or turn them back to you.

In Jesus name I pray,


His victory

“But suddenly, your ruthless enemies will be crushed like the finest of dust. Your many attackers will be driven away like chaff before the wind. Suddenly, in an instant,6I, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, will act for you with thunder and earthquake and great noise, with whirlwind and storm and consuming fire.7All the nations fighting against Jerusalem29:7 Hebrew Ariel. will vanish like a dream!

Are you amazed and incredulous? Don’t you believe it? Then go ahead and be blind. You are stupid, but not from wine! You stagger, but not from liquor!10For the Lord has poured out on you a spirit of deep sleep. He has closed the eyes of your prophets and visionaries.

And so the Lord says,“ These people say they are mine. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.

What sorrow awaits those who try to hide their plans from the Lord, who do their evil deeds in the dark!“ The Lord can’t see us,” they say. “He doesn’t know what’s going on!”16How foolish can you be? He is the Potter, and he is certainly greater than you, the clay! Should the created thing say of the one who made it, “He didn’t make me”? Does a jar ever say, “The potter who made me is stupid”?

In that day the deaf will hear words read from a book, and the blind will see through the gloom and darkness.19The humble will be filled with fresh joy from the Lord. The poor will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.20The scoffer will be gone, the arrogant will disappear, and those who plot evil will be killed.21Those who convict the innocent by their false testimony will disappear. A similar fate awaits those who use trickery to pervert justice and who tell lies to destroy the innocent.

Lord God my Father,

Keep me close, warn me when the attack is close. Open my eyes so I may truly see that your plan is perfect. My only desire is to serve you well.

In Jesus name I pray,
