His plan is best.

But then David’s conscience began bothering him because he had cut Saul’s robe.

Who is the king of Israel trying to catch anyway? Should he spend his time chasing one who is as worthless as a dead dog or a single flea? 15May the Lord therefore judge which of us is right and punish the guilty one. He is my advocate, and he will rescue me from your power!”

“You are a better man than I am, for you have repaid me good for evil. 18Yes, you have been amazingly kind to me today,

“Even when you are chased by those who seek to kill you, your life is safe in the care of the Lord your God, secure in his treasure pouch! But the lives of your enemies will disappear like stones shot from a sling!

She bowed low to the ground and responded, “I, your servant, would be happy to marry David. I would even be willing to become a slave, washing the feet of his servants!” 

Lord God my Father,

Give you discernment to my thoughts, keep me in my place and help me to give you complete freedom in my life, quiet my desires so I will allow you to handle all my struggles and defeat my enemy’s for me.

In Jesus name I pray,


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