Monthly Archives: February 2021

His way, best!

2I will walk among you; I will be your God, and you will be my people. 13I am the Lord your God,

So the people of Israel did everything as the Lord had commanded Moses. Each clan and family set up camp and marched under their banners exactly as the Lord had instructed them.

Lord God my Father,

You are my God, may I follow your direction in my life, may I do all as you direct me, may your glory shine thru my actions.

I Jesus name I pray,


What I get comes from what I give.

 I am the Lord who makes them holy.”

Such animals will not be accepted on your behalf, for they are mutilated or defective.”

Do not bring shame on my holy name,

Lord God my Father,

I honor you by freely giving you the first best of what I have, Help me to keep under your authority in all areas of my life.

In Jesus name I pray,


He is my Lord

If you obey my decrees and my regulations, you will find life through them. I am the Lord.

So obey my instructions, and do not defile yourselves by committing any of these detestable practices that were committed by the people who lived in the land before you. I am the Lord your God.”

I am the Lord.”

Lord God my Father,

Help my heart to be obedient to you in all areas, clear my thoughts from any detestable thoughts and allow your peace to rest well with me.

In Jesus name I pray,



This procedure will determine whether a person or object is ceremonially clean or unclean.

He will lay both of his hands on the goat’s head and confess over it all the wickedness, rebellion, and sins of the people of Israel. In this way, he will transfer the people’s sins to the head of the goat. Then a man specially chosen for the task will drive the goat into the wilderness. 22As the goat goes into the wilderness, it will carry all the people’s sins upon itself into a desolate land.

and you will be purified in the Lord’s presence from all your sins. 31It will be a Sabbath day of complete rest for you, and you must deny yourselves. 

Lord God my Father,

Your instruction is precise, I wish to be clean from my sin nature and rest in your presence surrendering all my struggles to your care, May your peace and Truth overwhelm my desire to control what you do thru me.

In Jesus name I pray,


Worship His way.

‘I will display my holiness through those who come near me. I will display my glory before all the people.’”

“Do not show grief by leaving your hair uncombed10:6 Or by uncovering your heads. or by tearing your clothes. If you do, you will die, and the Lord’s anger will strike the whole community of Israel.

Then Aaron answered Moses, “Today my sons presented both their sin offering and their burnt offering to the Lord. And yet this tragedy has happened to me. If I had eaten the people’s sin offering on such a tragic day as this, would the Lord have been pleased?” 20And when Moses heard this, he was satisfied.

Lord God my Father,

Help me in my obedience and discipline. Help me to bring you honor in how I worship you and why. Allow me to go deeper in my Love for others and myself.

In Jesus name I pray,


Aware of my sin leads to freedom

If the entire Israelite community sins by violating one of the Lord’s commands, but the people don’t realize it, they are still guilty. 14When they become aware of their sin, the people must bring a young bull as an offering for their sin and present it before the Tabernacle.

“If one of Israel’s leaders sins by violating one of the commands of the Lord his God but doesn’t realize it, he is still guilty. 23When he becomes aware of his sin, he must bring as his offering a male goat with no defects.

Lord God my Father,

Make me aware of the sin I am un aware of in order to surrender it to your forgiveness, I wish to be free from it.

In Jesus name I pray,


Proper Offering

“If you present a grain offering to the Lord from the first portion of your harvest, .

“If you present an animal from the herd as a peace offering to the Lord, it may be a male or a female, but it must have no defects. 

Lord God my Father,

Help me to surrender to you and make proper offerings, soften my stubborn heart to give you glory in everything good, bond my spirit to you alone.

In Jesus name I pray,


Listen and Obey

Bezalel made the bronze washbasin and its bronze stand from bronze mirrors 

All this was done just as the Lord had commanded Moses.

They attached the medallion with a blue cord to Aaron’s turban, just as the Lord had commanded Moses.

Lord God my Father,

Soften my heart so I may be obedient to you in all things.

In Jesus name I pray,


In His satisfaction.

So Moses gave the command, and this message was sent throughout the camp: “Men and women, don’t prepare any more gifts for the sanctuary. We have enough!” So the people stopped bringing their sacred offerings. 7Their contributions were more than enough to complete the whole project.

Lord God my Father,

Restore your people to your Truth and deliver us from our selfish ways to find satisfaction in you and delight in your presence.

In Jesus name I pray,


Surrendered well

 “Come on,” they said, “make us some gods who can lead us. We don’t know what happened to this fellow Moses, who brought us here from the land of Egypt.”

So the Lord changed his mind about the terrible disaster he had threatened to bring on his people.

“Don’t get so upset, my lord,” Aaron replied. “You yourself know how evil these people are. 23They said to me, ‘Make us gods who will lead us. We don’t know what happened to this fellow Moses, who brought us here from the land of Egypt.

So Moses returned to the Lord and said, “Oh, what a terrible sin these people have committed. They have made gods of gold for themselves. 32But now, if you will only forgive their sin—but if not, erase my name from the record you have written!”

Inside the Tent of Meeting, the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. 

The Lord replied, “I will make all my goodness pass before you, and I will call out my name, Yahweh,33:19 Yahweh is a transliteration of the proper name YHWH that is sometimes rendered “Jehovah”; in this translation it is usually rendered “the Lord” (note the use of small capitals). before you. For I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose. 

“You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but on the seventh day you must stop working, even during the seasons of plowing and harvest.

Lord God my Father,

Keep me under your authority, protect me from wondering from you, guide me in your Truth and protect me from Satan’s lies.

In Jesus name I pray,
