Monthly Archives: May 2020

His day, His way.

14“I’m in a desperate situation!” David replied to Gad. “But let us fall into the hands of the Lord, for his mercy is great. Do not let me fall into human hands.”

I’m in a desperate situation!” David replied to Gad. “But let me fall into the hands of the Lord, for his mercy is very great. Do not let me fall into human hands.” So the Lord sent a plague upon Israel, and 70,000 people died as a result. 

No, I insist on buying it for the full price. I will not take what is yours and give it to the Lord. I will not present burnt offerings that have cost me nothing!”

Lord God my Father,

Keep me under your authority and protect me from my selfish ways. May your grace guide me and bring good decisions to me this day.

In Jesus name I pray,


His way good!

He led me to a place of safety;he rescued me because he delights in me.

For I have kept the ways of the Lord;I have not turned from my God to follow evil.

To the faithful you show yourself faithful;to those with integrity you show integrity.26To the pure you show yourself pure,but to the crooked you show yourself shrewd.27You rescue the humble,

Lord God my Father,

You are everything good, may I only follow you this day.

In Jesus name I pray,
