Made complete by replacing my will

‘The God of our ancestors has chosen you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and hear him speak.

Have your sins washed away by calling on the name of the Lord.

These men cannot prove the things they accuse me of doing.

As he reasoned with them about righteousness and self-control and the coming day of judgment, Felix became frightened.

‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? It is useless for you to fight against my will.

Lord God my Father,
You always have been so why do I doubt you in my thoughts. You have the power to overcome my lifetime of resisting you and place your peace on me. I call on you to wash me clean from my past and give me your truth to consume me and protect me from my own thoughts. It is useless for me to fight you, I want your will over my own.

In Jesus name I pray,

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