Delivered and protected.

Instantly, an angel of the Lord struck Herod with a sickness, because he accepted the people’s worship instead of giving the glory to God.

“You son of the devil, full of every sort of deceit and fraud, and enemy of all that is good! Will you never stop perverting the true ways of the Lord?

Then with a powerful arm he led them out of their slavery. 18He put up with them13:18 Some manuscripts read He cared for them; compare Deut 1:31. through forty years of wandering in the wilderness.

God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.’

Jesus there is forgiveness for your sins. 39Everyone who believes in him is made right in God’s sight

Lord God my Father,
Protect me from arrogance, and puffiness in the spirit, may all glory be passed to you. Make me aware of deceit from the great tempter and keep me grounded in your truth. Keep me on your path so I may be led out of my bondage and be a son after your heart only. Forgive my past and deliver me in to your presence clean and new.

In Jesus name I pray,

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