Still stuck in me.

Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.”

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.

“Be dressed for service and keep your lamps burning,

But whenever he comes, he will reward the servants who are ready.

“And a servant who knows what the master wants, but isn’t prepared and doesn’t carry out those instructions, will be severely punished.

This dear woman, a daughter of Abraham, has been held in bondage by Satan for eighteen years. Isn’t it right that she be released,

Lord God my Father,
Hear my prayer, feel my heart. I am broken and stupid, I want to bring you honor but I struggle to do your will above mine. I know the truth but seem stuck in my way. Take from me the sin I carry and deliver me to a ruthless change of my way and deliver me to your way. Sin owns me and I am tired. You are all I need, remove my earthly desire and prepare my path free from the bondage of my past.

In Jesus name I pray,

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