Monthly Archives: October 2018

To be a purified priest of the Lord

We have not been doing everything this scroll says we must do.”

You humbled yourself and tore your clothing in despair and wept before me in repentance. And I have indeed heard you, says the Lord.

So Josiah removed all detestable idols from the entire land of Israel and required everyone to worship the Lord their God. And throughout the rest of his lifetime, they did not turn away from the Lord, the God of their ancestors.

Lord God my Father,
Purify my heart and restore me to a level of worship that bring you all the honor and glory, May I be nothing more than your servant. Remove in my thoughts all the idols and purify me to serve you in all areas of my life.

In Jesus name I pray,

To be removed from the influence of this world

If you return to him, he will not continue to turn his face from you.”

God’s hand was on the people in the land of Judah, giving them all one heart to obey the orders of the king and his officials, who were following the word of the Lord.

Hezekiah sought his God wholeheartedly. As a result, he was very successful.

there is a power far greater on our side!

Lord God my Father,
I wish to live completely for you, give me a heart that only hears you and is protected

Purified for His work

Israel’s king, killed 120,000 of Judah’s troops, all of them experienced warriors, because they had abandoned the Lord,

My sons, do not neglect your duties any longer!

7Then Hezekiah ordered that the burnt offering be placed on the altar. As the burnt offering was presented, songs of praise to the Lord were begun, accompanied by the trumpets and other instruments

all whose hearts were willing brought burnt offerings,

So the Temple of the Lord was restored to service. 36And Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced because of what God had done for the people, for everything had been accomplished so quickly.

Lord God my Father,
Keep me aware of the areas of my life I don’t freely give to you, may I be obedient and willing in my worship. Restore my purpose to be under your authority and care properly for all you have trusted me with.
I Jesus name I pray,