Free in His truth, bound by his lies, My choice.

“What sorrow awaits those who argue with their Creator.
Does a clay pot argue with its maker?
Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it, saying,
‘Stop, you’re doing it wrong!’
Does the pot exclaim,
‘How clumsy can you be?’

I will not let my reputation be tarnished,
and I will not share my glory with idols!

Come closer, and listen to this.
From the beginning I have told you plainly what would happen.”

“But there is no peace for the wicked,”
says the Lord.

Lord God my Father,
I am tired of rebelling against you, I wish only to follow you and do only your will. I wish to make you proud of me and follow your every word. You know my future, may I follow and not resist. May I find peace in your truth and protection from the lies.

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