Oh, to have proper faith and desire.

If you do not serve the Lord your God with joy and enthusiasm for the abundant benefits you have received, 48you will serve your enemies whom the Lord will send against you.

“The Lord will bring a distant nation against you from the end of the earth, and it will swoop down on you like a vulture. It is a nation whose language you do not understand,

“You have seen with your own eyes everything the Lord did in the land of Egypt to Pharaoh and to all his servants and to his whole country—3all the great tests of strength, the miraculous signs, and the amazing wonders. 4But to this day the Lord has not given you minds that understand, nor eyes that see, nor ears that hear!

Lord God my Father,
May my heart be only for you, I struggle with my own will, remove it and allow me to live by your blessing alone. Give me a servants heart where I can serve all, especially my family with a delightful spirit. Give me your discernment over my thoughts, allow me to See your truth in the world around me and take a stand for you. I know with proper faith I can do anything in your name, give me that faith with your desire to do only your will.

In Jesus name,

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