To Praise, not complain

one month after leaving the land of Egypt.16:1b The Exodus had occurred on the fifteenth day of the first month (see Num 33:3). 2There, too, the whole community of Israel complained about Moses and Aaron.

Then Moses told them, “Do not keep any of it until morning.” 20But some of them didn’t listen and kept some of it until morning. But by then it was full of maggots and had a terrible smell.

“This is what the Lord commanded: Tomorrow will be a day of complete rest, a holy Sabbath day set apart for the Lord.

The Lord asked Moses, “How long will these people refuse to obey my commands and instructions?

So once more the people complained against Moses. “Give us water to drink!” they demanded.

Then Moses cried out to the Lord, “What should I do with these people? They are ready to stone me!”

Israel argued with Moses and tested the Lord by saying, “Is the Lord here with us or not?”

“This is not good!” Moses’ father-in-law exclaimed. 18“You’re going to wear yourself out—and the people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself.

Lord God my Father,
Take my stubborn ways from me that separate me from you, make me a man of action, your action. I wish to follow your instruction above the ways of my past. You are in charge and control and I wish to submit to all your authority over me. Help me to transform the energy I use to fight you to follow you in all things. May I stop challenging your way you designed me for.

In Jesus name,

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