To only see His Truth

I am sending you to the Gentiles 18to open their eyes, so they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God.

So take courage! For I believe God.

‘Go and say to this people:
When you hear what I say,
you will not understand.
When you see what I do,
you will not comprehend.
27For the hearts of these people are hardened,
and their ears cannot hear,
and they have closed their eyes—
so their eyes cannot see,
and their ears cannot hear,
and their hearts cannot understand,
and they cannot turn to me
and let me heal them.’

Lord God my Father,
Allow me to have open eyes to see and hear you, allow me to serve you without hesitation. Completely open my eyes to take in your wonder and give me boldness to take your truth to those around me. Use me for your will and remove my sinful way so I can freely live in your desire above my own.

In Jesus name,

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