Monthly Archives: July 2017

I believe, help me with my disbelief Lord God.

God withdrew from Hezekiah in order to test him and to see what was really in his heart.

But while in deep distress, Manasseh sought the Lord his God and sincerely humbled himself before the God of his ancestors. 13And when he prayed, the Lord listened to him and was moved by his request. So the Lord brought Manasseh back to Jerusalem and to his kingdom. Then Manasseh finally realized that the Lord alone is God!

Lord God,
I ask to be humbled then I stress when you test me. Lord God, you are my father, my creator, in you I trust now remove my doubts and make me strong in you alone. I am unable to wipe my nose without you much less lead a glory filled life revealing you to myself and others around me. Give me your focus and power to overcome my doubts and live truly large in your name.

In Jesus name I pray,

Stubborn for the Lord.

He clothed himself with a robe of vengeance
and wrapped himself in a cloak of divine passion.
18He will repay his enemies for their evil deeds.

The Redeemer will come to Jerusalem
to buy back those in Israel
who have turned from their sins,”#59:20 Hebrew The Redeemer will come to Zion / to buy back those in Jacob / who have turned from their sins. Greek version reads The one who rescues will come on behalf of Zion, / and he will turn Jacob away from ungodliness. Compare Rom 11:26.
says the Lord.

Lord, why have you allowed us to turn from your path?
Why have you given us stubborn hearts so we no longer fear you?

Lord God,
I pray for your vengeance on this world, Lord, purify my spirit, remove my character defects and make me pure in your desire. Buy back my soul and turn me back to your path. Make my heart stubborn for you alone.

In Jesus name,

Truly take a Sabbath

Blessed are those who honor my Sabbath days of rest
and keep themselves from doing wrong.

I restore the crushed spirit of the humble
and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts.

Honor the Sabbath in everything you do on that day,
and don’t follow your own desires or talk idly.
14Then the Lord will be your delight.
I will give you great honor
and satisfy you with the inheritance I promised to your ancestor Jacob.
I, the Lord, have spoken!”

Lord God,
Remove the area of my life that keeps me from a true Sabbath. Restore my soul to it’s design to be in you. May I honor your name and give you honor.

In Jesus name,

Wahoo Day!

Because the Sovereign Lord helps me,
I will not be disgraced.
Therefore, I have set my face like a stone,
determined to do his will.
And I know that I will not be put to shame.

Abraham was only one man when I called him.
But when I blessed him, he became a great nation.”

Lord God,
You are my strength and my focus. I will set my path in your hands, rest my efforts in your will. Lord God, I am determined to do your work this day, don’t let any distractions stand in my way. May it be a day of Glory and may I uncover your Glory that is covered by this world today.

In Jesus name,

Still struggling for control

You did not reflect on your actions
or think about their consequences.

Turn us again to yourself, O God of Heaven’s Armies.
Make your face shine down upon us.
Only then will we be saved.

All you who fear the Lord, praise the Lord!

Lord God,
Make me aware of my actions, reveal in me areas I have not surrendered and committed to you. I am stubborn and arrogant and need to be humbled. I pray oh Lord that I may live under your authority alone. I have problem I am not able to to live this life without you in charge. My ways are lost without your direction. I am weak alone.

In Jesus name,

To release His glory in me.

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.

Though you are a lowly worm, O Jacob,
don’t be afraid, people of Israel, for I will help you.

Bring all who claim me as their God,
for I have made them for my glory.

“I—yes, I alone—will blot out your sins for my own sake
and will never think of them again.

Lord God,
I am weak and weary, I need to find you. I need you to take my past and weakness and remove it from me. I am lost in the past with only dreams of a glorious future. Take my burden so I may be free to do your work to release the Glory you have placed in me.

In Jesus name,

I cry to him for deliverance from me

And when he comes, he will open the eyes of the blind
and unplug the ears of the deaf.
6The lame will leap like a deer,
and those who cannot speak will sing for joy!

: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will add fifteen years to your life, 6and I will rescue you and this city from the king of Assyria.

Now I will walk humbly throughout my years
because of this anguish I have felt.
16Lord, your discipline is good,
for it leads to life and health.

Lord God,
I am still blind and I am unable to hear all you speak to me. Open me to All your truth, remove the boundary I continue to place before you. May I cry to you from my selfish despair and bumble myself before you. Hear my cry and deliver me from my bondage.

In Jesus name,

His way, completely

The Lord will be our Mighty One.
He will be like a wide river of protection

Lord God,
You are the creator of all, your plan is perfect. Lord God, remove my selfish desire, my desire to have my way. Give me power over Satan and deliver me from temptation to the pureness of your plan. Open my eyes and allow me to see your way without distraction.

In Jesus name,

To loose myself and find my purpose.

12God has told his people,
“Here is a place of rest;
let the weary rest here.
This is a place of quiet rest.”
But they would not listen.

So the Lord will spell out his message for them again,
one line at a time,
one line at a time,
a little here,
and a little there,
so that they will stumble and fall.
They will be injured, trapped, and captured.

The farmer knows just what to do,
for God has given him understanding.

The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is a wonderful teacher,
and he gives the farmer great wisdom.

Lord God,
Open my eyes and ears, allow me to listen to you. Allow me to understand your desire, give me your discernment. I want to know what to do, I need your wisdom and the courage to follow it.

In Jesus name,

Live Large in the Lord

I will not completely destroy Israel,
for I am God and not a mere mortal.
I am the Holy One living among you,
and I will not come to destroy.

“Forgive all our sins and graciously receive us,
so that we may offer you our praises.

Never again will we say to the idols we have made,
‘You are our gods.’

I am like a tree that is always green;
all your fruit comes from me.”
9Let those who are wise understand these things.
Let those with discernment listen carefully.

Lord God,
I am grateful for your mercy, you Bless me when I stray from you and Love me when I turn away from you. Lord God, forgive my sin and delver me from the temptation that compromises my all out worship of you. Protect me from Satan’s desire to stir in me unholy desires and keep me on your path. You are Life and I wish to Live Large in you alone.

In Jesus name,