Obedient, completely

Don’t turn your back on wisdom, for she will protect you.
Love her, and she will guard you.
7Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do!
And whatever else you do, develop good judgment.

You will say, “How I hated discipline!
If only I had not ignored all the warnings!
13Oh, why didn’t I listen to my teachers?
Why didn’t I pay attention to my instructors?

An evil man is held captive by his own sins;
they are ropes that catch and hold him.
23He will die for lack of self-control;
he will be lost because of his great foolishness.

Lord God,
I humble myself under your authority, I ask for you to discipline me with your truth. Protect me from my sinful thoughts and deliver me to a life of your blessings and truth. Thank you for your direction in my life, help me to surrender all I am to become your obedient child.

In Jesus name,

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