Monthly Archives: April 2017

Not about me

“A lot of good it did to help this fellow. We protected his flocks in the wilderness, and nothing he owned was lost or stolen. But he has repaid me evil for good.

“Even when you are chased by those who seek to kill you, your life is safe in the care of the lord your God, secure in his treasure pouch!

Lord God,
Help me to do your good without expectations of reward here, but store up good for when I join you in heaven. Allow me to surrender my will to follow and trust in your direction for my actions.
In Jesus name,

To live in the promise

I praise God for what he has promised.
I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?
What can mere mortals do to me?

Rescue me, O lord, from liars
and from all deceitful people.

Lord God,
Help me to live in your promise not my desire. Surround me with your truth and people who desire you. Protect me from the evil ways of this world and give me discernment over this world so I may see truth from lies and be bold with your word on my lips.

In Jesus name,