Oh to be pure of spirit

The outcry against this place is so great it has reached the lord, and he has sent us to destroy it.”

Then God opened Hagar’s eyes, and she saw a well full of water. She quickly filled her water container and gave the boy a drink.

And Abraham picked up the knife to kill his son as a sacrifice.

“Do not hurt him in any way, for now I know that you truly fear God. You have not withheld from me even your son, your only son.”

“O lord, God of my master, Abraham,” he prayed. “Please give me success today, and show unfailing love to my master, Abraham.

“Come and stay with us, you who are blessed by the lord!

“The lord has obviously brought you here, so there is nothing we can say.

May your descendants be strong
and conquer the cities of their enemies.”

Lord God my father,
I ask you to drive out the enemies struggling to influence me in my daily actions, Lord open my eyes and reveal them to me so I may allow you to conquer them and purify my to the point of living in your blessed actions. Lord God may I sacrifice what I hold precious in my heart that separates my from your will for me and give me power and energy to serve you in ridiculous ways.

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