
Then the lord said to Job,
2“Do you still want to argue with the Almighty?
You are God’s critic, but do you have the answers?”

“Brace yourself like a man,
because I have some questions for you,
and you must answer them.
8“Will you discredit my justice
and condemn me just to prove you are right?
9Are you as strong as God?

I had only heard about you before,
but now I have seen you with my own eyes.
6I take back everything I said,
and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.”

Lord God,
How do I brace myself to answer to you, Lord God it is only in your power I can stand in this world. Lord God, May I allow your power and peace to flow thru me and may I not challenge your way but submit all I am to your way. Lord God, may I truly get to know you and allow you to be my God wholeheartedly.

In Jesus name,

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