A new desire to restore His temple to His Glory.

2Even during this time of trouble, King Ahaz continued to reject the lord. 23He offered sacrifices to the gods of Damascus who had defeated him, for he said, “Since these gods helped the kings of Aram, they will help me, too, if I sacrifice to them.” But instead, they led to his ruin and the ruin of all Judah.

Then these Levites got right to work:

So the Temple of the lord was restored to service.

Lord God, My Father,
I have sinned against you in my care of your temple, I have allowed power other than you to rule in my life, greed, selfishness, arrogance, and vast many things of this world to come between a truly surrendered and humble relationship with you the father. Lord God, I surrender this to your care, Lord I pray for your forgiveness and give this all over for your care. Lord God, I release my desire to you and pray for a cleansing of this temple and a restoration of it to your glory. For on my won I am nothing and I seek your purpose for this life to serve you.

In Jesus name,

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