Monthly Archives: August 2016

Live in the Lords purpose, eliminate stress

You can make many plans,
but the lord’s purpose will prevail.

False weights and unequal measures—
the lord detests double standards of every kind.

The lord’s light penetrates the human spirit,
exposing every hidden motive.

No human wisdom or understanding or plan
can stand against the lord.

Lord God,
Help me to surrender to your purpose for me, Help me to avoid my desire and create conflict in my life. I wish to do your will and live in your light, exposing darkness and revealing your glory to this world.
In Jesus name,

Too much talk.

Those who listen to instruction will prosper;
those who trust the lord will be joyful.

A single rebuke does more for a person of understanding
than a hundred lashes on the back of a fool.

Starting a quarrel is like opening a floodgate,
so stop before a dispute breaks out.

Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent;
with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent.

Lord God,
Grant me the wisdom to not speak, Sharpen my words so few words will accomplish much. Grant me your wisdom and patience. Bring your peace into my heart.
In Jesus name,

Oh to be patient in this life.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.

Those who follow the right path fear the lord;
those who take the wrong path despise him.

Short-tempered people do foolish things,
and schemers are hated.

People with understanding control their anger;
a hot temper shows great foolishness.

A gentle answer deflects anger,
but harsh words make tempers flare.

A bowl of vegetables with someone you love
is better than steak with someone you hate.

Lord God, may I use your power to fulfill the dreams on my heart that bring you Glory. May I live by your grace released thru me.

In Jesus name,


Listen as Wisdom calls out!
Hear as understanding raises her voice!

Leave your simple ways behind, and begin to live;
learn to use good judgment.”

Oh Lord,
Allow wisdom to find me open my spirit and allow the foolish ways to leave me, allow good judgement to lead me.
In Jesus name,

May I walk on His path today.

Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.
7Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom.
Instead, fear the lord and turn away from evil.

Joyful is the person who finds wisdom,
the one who gains understanding.

Lord God,
may I do you will today. May I see your path before me today and choose to follow it not looking left or right. May this day and my efforts be according to your will and desire.

In Jesus name,

Still stubborn

Let the godly strike me!
It will be a kindness!
If they correct me, it is soothing medicine.
Don’t let me refuse it.

I pour out my complaints before him
and tell him all my troubles.
3When I am overwhelmed,
you alone know the way I should turn.

Lord God my Lord,
Soften my stubborn ways, open my spirit to be changed by your desire for me. You are all I desire yet I hold back so much. Help me to release my way and allow you to have your way in me.
In Jesus name,