To walk in His blessing.

I believed in you, so I said,
“I am deeply troubled, lord.”
11In my anxiety I cried out to you,
“These people are all liars!”

Joyful are people of integrity,
who follow the instructions of the lord.
2Joyful are those who obey his laws
and search for him with all their hearts.
3They do not compromise with evil,
and they walk only in his paths.

0I have chosen to be faithful;
I have determined to live by your regulations.
31I cling to your laws.
lord, don’t let me be put to shame!
32I will pursue your commands,
for you expand my understanding.

Oh to follow the instructions of the Lord, to walk in His blessing free from the stress of compromise.

Lord God,
Help me to understand Lord, To understand your way for me so I may walk in your peace all day every day.
In Jesus name,

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