Oh to have faith of the Dry Bones

“Speak a prophetic message to these bones and say, ‘Dry bones, listen to the word of the lord! 5This is what the Sovereign lord says: Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again!

The nations will then know why Israel was sent away to exile—it was punishment for sin, for they were unfaithful to their God. Therefore, I turned away from them and let their enemies destroy them.

Even dry bones listen to the Lord. How I have spent so much of my life killing my faith, rebelling, putting compromise in it, making “deals” with God and breaking my word to him. Why does he still find it in his heart to bless me? Awesome overwhelming, Holy Mercy.

Thank you Lord God for loving me when I was turning my back on you, you never gave up on me. Thank you for opening my spirit to walk with you in truth, your truth. Help me to process the guilt of the past and release me from satan’s desire to keep me in the guilt. You paid the price, you took my sin, personally held it in your hands and destroyed it on the cross, yet I struggle to forget. Lord God, give me Holy amnesia, fill me with your spirit so full, there is no room for my past. Thank you Lord for your persistent, overwhelming Love for this sinner.

In Jesus name,

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