Monthly Archives: June 2016

Total relentless surrender

I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, while the arms of Pharaoh fall useless to his sides.

Lord God,
May I find favor with you, Lord God I wish only to serve you, expose my sin and make me humble. I know this will bring struggle but Lord God I pray you will be my strength and you will crush the enemy within.

In Jesus name,

I need a new heart.

For all people are mine to judge

Put all your rebellion behind you, and find yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. For why should you die, O people of Israel? 32I don’t want you to die, says the Sovereign lord. Turn back and live!

They wouldn’t obey my regulations even though obedience would have given them life.

I belong to God, he is free to do as He pleases. May I repent of my desires that separate me from him and draw close to him, May I find Life in him.

Lord God,
I surrender to you, have Your way with me, destroy my sinful way and allow me to walk with you this day and forever.

In Jesus name,


God is fair in his punishment of sin

False prophets and those who seek their guidance will all be punished for their sins.

Even if Noah, Daniel, and Job were there, their righteousness would save no one but themselves, says the Sovereign lord.

You will see with your own eyes how wicked they are, and then you will feel better about what I have done to Jerusalem.

Stubborn keeps coming to mind, I read about my own nature and desire to live with compromise in my faith.

Lord God,
Help me to shed my own nature an take on yours.

In Jesus name,

We the people need to turn back to the Lord.

they commit these detestable sins, leading the whole nation into violence, thumbing their noses at me, and provoking my anger?

Lord God,
I lift up this great nation which was made great in your blessings. May we submit to your authority again and live in your truth. May I be a reflection of your power alive in me and may the world find you thru my dedication to you.

In Jesus name,

To hear God’s truth, it is my choice.

But I am sending you to say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign lord says!’ 5And whether they listen or refuse to listen—for remember, they are rebels—at least they will know they have had a prophet among them.

For the whole lot of them are hard-hearted and stubborn. 8But look, I have made you as obstinate and hard-hearted as they are.

‘This is what the Sovereign lord says!’ Those who choose to listen will listen, but those who refuse will refuse, for they are rebels.

God’s truth and love is always present, it is up to me to want to hear it. whatever rebellion I have in me will block His message to me.

Lord God,
Bring me delivery from my own rebellious spirit, allow me to hear all you want for me to hear.

In Jesus name,

Price of free will

God allowed horrific things to happen to His people who He loved dearly. Their free will allowed them to choose to turn away from God and after generations of second chances he disciplined them.

Lord God,
Please expose my sin and give me power over it in your name. Discipline me, cleanse me from my ways so I may live in harmony with your desire for my life. May I serve you wholeheartedly.

In Jesus name,

I am tired of this struggle

They will come weeping
and seeking the lord their God.

And why? Because the whole land is filled with idols,
and the people are madly in love with them.

Lord God,
Open my eyes so I may see all the idols in my life I put before you. I am broken and tired of this struggle and choose to surrender to you all my sin. Take it from me and allow me to be full of your power and trust in you in all things. I wish to only serve you.

In Jesus holey name,

Boast in the Lord

I will discipline you, but with justice;
I cannot let you go unpunished.”

Moab will no longer be a nation,
for it has boasted against the lord.

Lord God,
I welcome your discipline, I pray I am willing to allow your punishment to cleanse me of my compromised spirit. Lord God help me to only boast of your glory and my please you in all I do.

In Jesus name,

Oh how stubborn I am.

Whether we like it or not, we will obey the lord our God to whom we are sending you with our plea. For if we obey him, everything will turn out well for us.”

For I am sorry about all the punishment I have had to bring upon you.

For you were not being honest when you sent me to pray to the lord your God for you. You said, ‘Just tell us what the lord our God says, and we will do it!’ 21And today I have told you exactly what he said, but you will not obey the lord your God any better now than you have in the past.

We will not listen to your messages from the lord! 17We will do whatever we want. We will burn incense and pour out liquid offerings to the Queen of Heaven just as much as we like—

What a ungrateful nature we have. God only wants the best for us and we turn our back on him breaking his heart. Why are we so stubborn? Why is it so much easier to follow satan’s distractions than God.

Lord God,
Protect me from my weakness in this world and deliver me from all temptations I face. Give me your power over this place and may I excel in pleasing you.
In Jesus name,