Monthly Archives: May 2016

God desperately wants to bless, why do I block him.

Perhaps the people of Judah will repent when they hear again all the terrible things I have planned for them. Then I will be able to forgive their sins and wrongdoings.”

He wrote everything that had been on the scroll King Jehoiakim had burned in the fire. Only this time he added much more!

Lord God
help me to write all my past hurts down, make a list, so I may be able to completely own them and bring them to your alter so you may forgive and destroy them. Removing the power they have to separate me from you in my current walk. You desperately want to bless me, may I not block your will for me.
In Jesus name,

I am not good on my own.

You are the great and powerful God, the lord of Heaven’s Armies. 19You have all wisdom and do great and mighty miracles. You see the conduct of all people, and you give them what they deserve.

O Sovereign lord, you have told me to buy the field—paying good money for it before these witnesses—even though the city will soon be handed over to the Babylonians.”

I will put a desire in their hearts to worship me, and they will never leave me. 41I will find joy doing good for them

I have a lifetime of decisions to look back on to see who I am when surrounded my this world. My past is proof without constand attention to what God desires of me, I am not good.

Lord God,
You posses all the wisdom and are behind all great things. May I submit to being your servant and do only what you direct me to do. Open my heart, release my desires and replace them with your will. May I worship you in all I do and find Joy in serving you.
In Jesus name,

It IS more fun His way

In all history there has never been such a time of terror.
It will be a time of trouble for my people Israel.
Yet in the end they will be saved!

I will discipline you, but with justice;
I cannot let you go unpunished.”

I turned away from God,
but then I was sorry.
I kicked myself for my stupidity!
I was thoroughly ashamed of all I did in my younger days.’

I must learn from the past, not relive it. When I was young I rebelled against His way, Now I am full of regrets.
As I confess my sins and ask forgiveness, He takes them from me and forgives me and forgets them. I accept the discipline He puts on me and delight in being set free from my stupidity.

Lord God,
You are the perfect parent, I ran from your desire in my youth, Now I run to you full of regrets. Help me to be aware of what I have not ask forgiveness for and to bring it to you so I can be free from my past and live a delightful life with you from now to forever. Use me today to spread your glory to this dark place, being a beacon of hope to the lost.
In Jesus name,

May I be chosen to serve.

With my great strength and powerful arm I made the earth and all its people and every animal. I can give these things of mine to anyone I choose

Lord God,
May I find favor in you, May I speak for you, may I work for you. Please remove any defects in my character, Use me as a tool for your work,
In Jesus name,

The people burn incense to foreign gods—idols never before acknowledged by this generation, by their ancestors, or by the kings

‘Why did the lord destroy such a great city?’ 9And the answer will be, ‘Because they violated their covenant with the lord their God by worshiping other gods.’”

Lord God, Help me to only follow you, expose the idols in my life. Give me power over them and destroy them so I may become a Godly person doing your will.

In Jesus name,

How much deceit am I living? Why is it so hard to surrender all.

The prophets and priests continue with their work,
but they don’t know what they’re doing.”

We hoped for a time of healing, but found only terror.
20lord, we confess our wickedness
and that of our ancestors, too.
We all have sinned against you.
21For the sake of your reputation, lord, do not abandon us.

Then the lord said to me, “Even if Moses and Samuel stood before me pleading for these people, I wouldn’t help them. Away with them! Get them out of my sight!

I am tired of always giving you another chance.

I am hated everywhere I go.
I am neither a lender who threatens to foreclose
nor a borrower who refuses to pay—
yet they all curse me.”
11The lord replied,
“I will take care of you, Jeremiah.

“If you return to me, I will restore you
so you can continue to serve me.
If you speak good words rather than worthless ones,
you will be my spokesman.
You must influence them;
do not let them influence you!

19lord, you are my strength and fortress,
my refuge in the day of trouble!
Nations from around the world
will come to you and say,
“Our ancestors left us a foolish heritage,
for they worshiped worthless idols.
20Can people make their own gods?
These are not real gods at all!”
21The lord says,
“Now I will show them my power;
now I will show them my might.
At last they will know and understand
that I am the lord.

True life IS fair.

Why are the wicked so prosperous?
Why are evil people so happy?
2You have planted them,
and they have taken root and prospered.

My people have planted wheat
but are harvesting thorns.
They have worn themselves out,
but it has done them no good.

Lord God, wicked is so close, it is everywhere. Good is a lack of wicked, help me remove all wicked thoughts, actions, habits. Restore me to a pureness by replacing my ways with yours. May I delight in serving you today.
In Jesus name,

Oh to live in His truth.

“Tell them all this, but do not expect them to listen. Shout out your warnings, but do not expect them to respond. 28Say to them, ‘This is the nation whose people will not obey the lord their God and who refuse to be taught. Truth has vanished from among them; it is no longer heard on their lips.

Lord God, Soften my heart so I may hear you and only you. Remove the lies I have been taught and believed, May I live in your truth and shine it to the world around me.

In Jesus name,

We don’t have to be condemned by our past.

“if you wanted to return to me, you could.
You could throw away your detestable idols
and stray away no more.
2Then when you swear by my name, saying,
‘As surely as the lord lives,’
you could do so
with truth, justice, and righteousness.
Then you would be a blessing to the nations of the world,
and all people would come and praise my name.”
O Jerusalem, cleanse your heart
that you may be saved.
How long will you harbor
your evil thoughts?
My people are foolish
and do not know me,” says the lord.
“They are stupid children
who have no understanding.
They are clever enough at doing wrong,
but they have no idea how to do right!”

Lord God, open the eyes of America and me, Lord God, I pray for your authority to rule over me, my family and my nation. Lord God, open my eyes to things I can do so your truth can be seen thru me. Help this country to turn back to your authority and stop worshiping idols of lies. May I be used in your favor, cleanse me of my past and lead me in a path of truth, protect me from my old sinful ways.

In Jesus name,

Where is the Lord?

They did not ask, ‘Where is the lord
Israel is like a thief
who feels shame only when he gets caught.
Admit that you rebelled against the lord your God
and committed adultery against him

Lord God, Help me to always seek you first, above every decision I make, every action I do. Eliminate the desire to do wrong so I can live just one life, a life with you. I admit I have rebelled against you, I give you that part of me and ask forgiveness and for healing of our relationship. May I delight in you.

In Jesus name,