I didn’t earn it, he provided it.

Beware that in your plenty you do not forget the lord your God and disobey his commands, regulations, and decrees
Do not forget that he led you through the great and terrifying wilderness with its poisonous snakes and scorpions, where it was so hot and dry.
Remember the lord your God. He is the one who gives you power to be successful,
don’t say in your hearts, ‘The lord has given us this land because we are such good people!’
The lord your God will drive these nations out ahead of you only because of their wickedness,
But you rebelled against the command of the lord your God and refused to put your trust in him or obey him. 24Yes, you have been rebelling against the lord as long as I have known you.

There is a fine line in our hearts between confidence and arrogance. It is so easy to take credit for the blessings the Lord has given me and not give thanks as I should. God doesn’t bless me because I am so good or seek him at times, He blesses me because he love’s me, that’s all.

Lord God,
Help me to live as the person you designed me to be and follow the path you created me to follow. Allow my desire to come from you and live in harmony with you in all things.

In Jesus name,

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