Heartbreaking faith, sacrifice hurts.

Then the Israelites put aside their foreign gods and served the lord. And he was grieved by their misery.
But Jephthah said to them, “Aren’t you the ones who hated me and drove me from my father’s house? Why do you come to me now when you’re in trouble?”
8“Because we need you,” the elders replied.
You keep whatever your god Chemosh gives you, and we will keep whatever the lord our God gives us.
And she said, “Father, if you have made a vow to the lord, you must do to me what you have vowed, for the lord has given you a great victory over your enemies, the Ammonites.

Wow, what faith and integrity. To vow an open ended vow of whatever comes out to meet me is yours. His daughters attitude of acceptance of her fate.

Lord God, give me just a hope of faith that is so strong and without doubt that I may call on you to lead me into war over sin and bring me victory for your glory.

In Jesus name,

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