Monthly Archives: March 2016

Nagging sin, must be driven out of me.

She tormented him with her nagging day after day until he was sick to death of it.
“Sovereign lord, remember me again. O God, please strengthen me just one more time.
“I now dedicate these silver coins to the lord. In honor of my son, I will have an image carved and an idol cast.”

It’s amazing how I can be worn down till I give in, then I can truly cry out and God answers. It is frustrating how I turn to God and yet carry idol’s in my life.

Lord God,
Give me the power to follow you without holding onto any idol’s that have been nagging me to the point of me giving in to them.

In Jesus name,

Heartbreaking faith, sacrifice hurts.

Then the Israelites put aside their foreign gods and served the lord. And he was grieved by their misery.
But Jephthah said to them, “Aren’t you the ones who hated me and drove me from my father’s house? Why do you come to me now when you’re in trouble?”
8“Because we need you,” the elders replied.
You keep whatever your god Chemosh gives you, and we will keep whatever the lord our God gives us.
And she said, “Father, if you have made a vow to the lord, you must do to me what you have vowed, for the lord has given you a great victory over your enemies, the Ammonites.

Wow, what faith and integrity. To vow an open ended vow of whatever comes out to meet me is yours. His daughters attitude of acceptance of her fate.

Lord God, give me just a hope of faith that is so strong and without doubt that I may call on you to lead me into war over sin and bring me victory for your glory.

In Jesus name,

I need to submit to His authority,,,,, again

As soon as Gideon died, the Israelites prostituted themselves by worshiping the images of Baal, making Baal-berith their god. 34They forgot the lord their God, who had rescued them from all their enemies surrounding them.

Yet again the Israelites turned away from God. Just as I fall back into worshiping computer, lazy or whatever separates me from living in His desire. I ask for His power to help me, I feel it, get excited but fall back. Only when I truly surrender things, do I make progress, so why is it so hard.

Lord God, I am in misery over being separated from you. Please come and take the enemies from within me and direct me in destroying the thoughts and actions attacking me and deliver me to a glorious life with you. It is only thru Jesus I can be saved, I surrender to his work.
In Jesus name,

From Fear to Courage

When the 300 Israelite blew their rams’ horns, the lord caused the warriors in the camp to fight against each other with their swords.

Why do I continue to have excuses when I know the power of the creator of all is within me. It is only by doubt I am weakened and fear I am frozen in place. Gideon was of the weakest tribe and yet he had courage enough to test God himself.

Lord God, Grant me courage to test you and follow you to defeat the compromise within me.

In Jesus name,

I need a judge

“Israel’s leaders took charge,
and the people gladly followed.
Praise the lord!
“lord, may all your enemies die like Sisera!
But may those who love you rise like the sun in all its power!”

I sin I ask for forgiveness, He gives it. I am blessed, I fall again in despair I ask forgiveness, He again forgives. I need a powerful judge to lead me, I need to become a judge, able to discern when sin creeps around me and defeat it before it is allowed in.

Lord God may I put you in charge of my life. May I put you first before everything to concur the enemy before it reaches me. May I become strong to overcome sin before it can attack me.

In Jesus name,

A new covenant for the temple in me.

another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel.
They went after other gods, worshiping the gods of the people around them. And they angered the lord.
o the lord burned with anger against Israel. He said, “Because these people have violated my covenant, which I made with their ancestors, and have ignored my commands, 21I will no longer drive out the nations that Joshua left unconquered when he died

I feel as if there are desires living in me that separate me from the Lord. They must be driven out so the Lord can have all of the temple within and all actions I do.

Lord God, help me to create a covenant with you to drive out all things within me that do not bring honor to you.
In Jesus name,

Only with His power may I surrender “all”

Love the lord your God, walk in all his ways, obey his commands, hold firmly to him, and serve him with all your heart and all your soul.”
But as for me and my family, we will serve the lord.”
“All right then,” Joshua said, “destroy the idols among you, and turn your hearts to the lord, the God of Israel.”

All I want to do is walk in His ways and serve the lord, so why do I hold onto idols in my life so tight. Idols of selfish, anger, resentment ect.

Lord God,
Give me power over the things I have allowed in my life to separate me from your way. Put people in my path to hold me accountable and open my heart to see the lies I believe in so I may destroy them and live in your desire for me.

In Jesus name,

FAITH,,,,, but,,,,

But all the Canaanites in the lowlands have iron chariots, both those in Beth-shan and its surrounding settlements and those in the valley of Jezreel. They are too strong for us.”
And you will drive out the Canaanites from the valleys, too, even though they are strong and have iron chariots.”

But, The most used tactic used against the power of God in my life.

Lord God,
May I have faith to drive out all the but’s in my life and live by the power of God only.

In Jesus name,

The pursuit of Glory, it takes a process

“Get up! Command the people to purify themselves in preparation for tomorrow. For this is what the lord, the God of Israel, says: Hidden among you, O Israel, are things set apart for the lord. You will never defeat your enemies until you remove these things from among you.

If I truly want to destroy the enemy that lives within me, I must commit to a process that leads to spiritual purity and bring the issues out to defeat them. The Lord has the power to prevail, not me.

Oh Lord God,
Thank you for your read and insight, may I surrender my desire and understanding to your will. Reveal in my time with you a plan to completely destroy the enemy within and allow me to reflect your Glory in all.

In Jesus name.

How much doubt do I allow.

For the lord your God dried up the river right before your eyes, and he kept it dry until you were all across, just as he did at the Red Sea when he dried it up until we had all crossed over. 24He did this so all the nations of the earth might know that the lord’s hand is powerful, and so you might fear the lord your God forever.”

The Lord does miracles so show his power to us. I only see his power when I seek to see it. So much goes on I am not willing to see. Courage and strength are qualities I need to allow the Lord to build in me so I may serve him with power and confidence.