Monthly Archives: September 2014

Why do I feel betrayed when I struggle.

I just went through a crisis of faith. I was crushed from all directions, Faith, family, financial, friendship,,,,,,,. I was alone, then I realized I had taken my eye off of the Lord and had sunk into the abyss. Finally I reached my hand towards Him and He lifted me up and back into His Glory just in time for me to be there for my family when they needed me to be strong for them.

God is Awesome, yet we still struggle to surrender day after day.

Sin, Transgression, or iniquity. What direction will be be challenged from today?

Lord help me to see where I need to fortify my armor today.

sin- help me to not miss the mark with my aim solely on you Lord
transgression- help my to not choose to disobey you today.
iniquity- help me to not fall into the same trap today of justifying my compromise.

Sometimes you have to experience hopelessness to know hope.