Monthly Archives: August 2014
Choose to serve God or be a slave to Satan
There are only two forces in battle for our soul.
God is a choice to serve or by default you are a slave to Satan.
Too many good ideas, can be a bad idea.
think about it
How much do I understand “surrender”
Isn’t surrender kind of like wisdom. The more you get, the more you realize you don’t get it.
Am I arrogant in my surrender or humble.
Do surrender my all or just the part I want to, holding on to the baggage I most need to let go of.
Do we need expectations when we go to God
Aren’t I putting my filter on his desires for me when I go to God with my expectations.
More to ponder.
Help me to be the guide that follows.
Why do I fight him
I will discipline you, but with justice;
Why do you protest your punishment—
I kicked myself for my stupidity!
I was thoroughly ashamed of all I did in my younger days.’
Where does your life energy come from?
What pump are you getting you fuel to live from, how much dirt is allowed.
God’s fuel is pure and has no damaging properties.
We allow compromise in our fuel (satin) and we don’t get the energy He wants us to live by.
Who do I allow to benefit from my struggles?
Do I allow my struggles to strengthen me or weaken me.
If they strengthen me it is because my faith is in God.
If it weakens me I am allowing satin to win.
It is about my decision and perspective.